Self-Help Sucks: The Anti Self-Help Guide to Inner Peace and Contentment

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the Self-Help book Self-Help Sucks: The Anti Self-Help Guide to Inner Peace and Contentment published by Tony Blankenship. I received a physical copy in exchange for this review.

Self-Help Sucks: The Anti Self-Help Guide to Inner Peace and Contentment by [Tony Blankenship]

I thought I would have a hard time relating to the book because I’ve never done drugs and even though I drink once in a while I am not a Alcoholic. While David has had problems with both drinking and drugs. Which he has kept at bay all on his own. I am PROUD of David but there has been times when I’ve worried he might start using again it hasn’t happened and I don’t think it ever will.

So for me to share this book with David was hard because I didn’t want him to think I didn’t trust him or that I thought he was using or drinking to much. But after reading through the book I found out that wasn’t the case and that it would help us in so may ways.

Including dealing with Charlie which is like a 12-step program at times. I love how the book stops and makes us think. I found myself discussing what I was reading not only with Charlie and David but friends of mine. If my dad who also had a problem with drinking and was an Alcoholic were here, I would be giving him a copy of this book to read and always have on hand when he would struggle with wanting a drink.

About: Are harmful habits and addictions ruling your life, no matter how hard you try to control them? For those who’ve read every self-help book out there with no results comes the anti-self-help book that will finally allow you to affect real and lasting change. Because while self-help sucks, claiming the aid of a Higher Power and the support of others can lead to recovery, inner peace, contentment, and freedom from destructive behavior—and author Tony Blankenship shows you how.

A six-part program based on the principles of the original, highly successful twelve-step program, Self-Help Sucks is filled with exercises, meditations, prayers, examples and experiences from the Author’s life which lay the groundwork and provide rules for healthy daily living. Break free once and for all from the addictive behaviors that are hurting you and your loved ones with this unique, one-of-a-kind guide to living your best life.

About Tony Blankenship

Tony Blankenship

Tony Blankenship is a former chef, spiritual seeker, and punk rocker. All the great insights in his book Self-Help Sucks, come from his own challenge of confronting and losing in his own struggle with addictive behavior. Using the principles and actions of the twelve-step program, Tony lays out his experience and some opinions that ultimately lead to the promise of inner peace and contentment.

Tony lives in Santa Fe, NM. He is married with one daughter, a stepson, two dogs, two cats, two goldfish and a beta. When he is not writing he is an avid cyclist and amateur road bike racer. Tony passionately believes that if anyone does the work outlined in this book, they will address any of their destructive habits or addictive behavior. You can connect with him at.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates