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Debbie and I stopped in Winco to walk the other day. I saw Secrets of the Titanic: The Truth About the Tragedy a magazine Titanic. I picked up to read. When I was unpacking the groceries David looked at the magazine and said has Charlie studied the Titanic. I said no, he hasn’t but we should. If you know anything about the Titanic I should share with Charlie leave me a comment and I will share your information with David and Charlie.

Believe it or not, researchers are still making new discoveries about the Titanic after more than 100 years! This book is the most visual and most up-to-date chronicle of the famous ship’s development, voyage and ultimate tragedy, illustrated with numerous photos and drawings.
More than one hundred years after the “unsinkable” Titanic sunk after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic, the tragedy continues to haunt us. That’s partly thanks to the movies—notably James Cameron’s 1997 blockbuster, Titanic—that have turned the story into a sort of modern myth. In fact, when it comes to the events of April 15, 1912, untangling fact from fiction has become increasingly difficult. Was the captain drunk? Was the ship going too fast? Did the crew ignore ice warnings? Do the ghosts of the wreck’s 1,500-plus victims still haunt the frigid sea? These and other questions are explored—and often answered—here. You will experience the ship’s fateful final day and enter into the glittering lives of such celebrated passengers as John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim. You’ll also learn the fascinating stories of its lesser-known travelers: the man who kidnapped his two sons; the movie star who starred in a film about the disaster, and many other unsung souls whose lives were lost—or changed forever—when the ship went down. In the end, you’ll probably agree that (movie myths aside) the truth is much stranger than fiction.
Also check out Wikipedia for more information on Titanic.
Titanic, Boat, Cruise, Lifestyle, Rich, Believe, Researchers, Making, Discoveries, Magazine, Visual, up-to-Date Chronicle, Ships Deployment, Voyage, Numerous, Photos, Drawings, Illustrations, Unsinkable, Sunk, Colliding, Iceberg, North Atlantic, James Cameron, Blockbuster, Modern Myth, Untangling, Facts, Fiction, Increasingly, Difficult, Captain. Drunk, Fast, Crew, Ice Warnings, Ghosts, Wreck, Victims, Haunt, Frigid Sea, Questions, Explored, Answered, Experience, Fateful Final Day, Glittering, Celebrated, Passangers, John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Lesser-Known, Travelers, Kidnapped, Movie Star, Film, Unsung Souls, Movies, History, Unsolved Mysteries, Families, Children, Men, Women, Jewels, Money
Write your Spelling words five times each in ABC order in your Spelling Journal.
Use your Spelling words in a story you create and include a illustration for the story in your Spelling Journal.
Write your Spelling words in your Spelling Journal and include a definition for each word.
Take a Pre-Spelling Test and if you made a 100 take the weekend off.
If not write the Spelling words you missed 5 times each in your Spelling Journal.
If you missed words on your Spelling Test re-take the test.
If you made a 100 take today off.
Reading Class:
Charlie will be reading Secrets of the Titanic: The Truth About the Tragedy and Titanic 1912: The original news reporting of the sinking of the Titanic.
Monday through Thursday Charlie will be reading these books or other books Charlie finds on the Titanic for 30 minutes each day.
After reading Charlie will be writing 2 facts he learned each day in his Reading Journal.
On Friday Charlie will turn the facts into a report Charlie will read out loud.
Math Class:
Look up facts on the Titanic to turn into 5 math problems for someone in your home to work out. Then have them create 5 math problems for you to work out. Write the Math problems in your Math Journal
How fast was the Titanic traveling?
How many passengers was on the Titanic? Women? Men, Children?
How long had the Titanic been traveling?
Watch a movie about the Titanic.
Then act out a scene in the movie for your parents.
For a Homeschool Field Trip you could visit a Costume Store, Vintage Clothing Sore or Thrit Store to purchase a outfit they would have worn on the Titanic to make your performance more realistic. the Titanic.
Visit a Record store for a Homeschool Field Trip and pick up the Soundtrack to the Titanic or look up the soundtrack on YouTube. Learn one of the songs from the movie to perform for your parents.
Write the Lyrics to the song inside your Music Journal and include a photo of your performance.
Art Class:
Using the information you collected create a piece of Art based on the Titanic using different art styles and supplies.
Write a description of your Art creation in your Art Journal and include a photo.
If your brave enough pick up toothpicks at the grocery store and build a ship.
PE Class:
The Titanic should have had things to keep everyone entertained including children. See if you can find out what games they would have played and play them in your PE Class.
Or look up the dances they would have done and learn one of the dances to perform for your parents.
Write a description of either inside your PE Journal and include a photo of you performaing.
Cooking Class:
We know the Titanic was full of rich people who would eat Cavier and drink Champaign. See if you can find out what dishes was prepared and prepare one for your family.
Or look up the Centry the Titanic sailed in and prepare a dish from that Century.
Or look up the State the Titanic sailed from and prepare a dish the residents would have eaten.
Write the recipe inside your Cooking Journal and include a picture of the dish you prepared. This information will be turned into a cookbook at the end of the year.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates