A post for Second Daughter who sent me Crustacea Pendant in exchange for this review and the thoughts in the review are mine and mine alone. Before I share my thoughts with you I wanted to share some information with you on Second Daughter:
Dive into this collection from Second Daughter. With crustacean and jellyfish statement jewelry pieces, you’ll be ready to step out in style. Perfect for vacationing in a beach town and sipping mimosas at brunch. Just pair with a sundress and you’re all set to soak in those summer rays!
I would like to share something with you my Crustacea Pendant arrived a little while ago and I forgot I had it as I had put it in the cabinet to review and when I was going through items I needed to write up Crustacea Pendant was missing so it slipped my mind until the client emailed me to ask when the review would for Second Daughter would be completed.
I had to scramble to figure out what Second Daughter was and I thought it might be a book but I didn’t have a book by that name. Then I thought it might be skin care products and again I didn’t have any products with that name. Then I asked David if he knew which products SecondDaughter sold and David said no, he didn’t have a clue.
I searched my emails and as soon as I found one from Second Daughter I was looking for and it mentioned crustacean and jellyfish statement jewelry pieces I knew exactly what it was and where I had put the necklace. Only I went to get Crustacea Pendant and it wasn’t there and I couldn’t figure out what had happened to the necklace as I knew David and I hadn’t moved the package.
I went into Charlie’s room to hang up his clothes I had washed and low and behold Crustacea Pendant was hanging off Charlie’s Mirror. I asked Charlie how Crustacea Pendant ended up in his room and he let me know once it arrived he took a look at it that he thought I had gotten it for him because he had been asking for a necklace and it was different and unique making it perfect for young men Charlie said.
I let Charlie know Crustacea Pendant wasn’t his and Second Daughter had sent it to me and I needed to conduct a review on the necklace so I was taking it back. Before I could leave Charlie’s room he asked me if I had time to show him the website from because he wanted to orderCrustacea Pendant for himself and his best friend Bradley.
I told Charlie it came from Second Daughter the next thing I know Charlie is on the website googling the website as he wanted to see what Second Daughter had and if they carried items for men or children. Before I went to work Charlie and I browsed the site and found a couple items we can’t wait to purchase for Christmas to give as Gifts.
My son Charlie is so funny he let me know he would purchase Ma Cherie Ring for me if I would let him keep my necklace. Although what he doesn’t know is I plan on giving him my necklace for Christmas as it will make the perfect Stocking Stuffer and I know Charlie likes having it hung up in his room because he loves Crabs and the water.

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TW: @2nd_daughter
Now I would like to share some facts about my Crustacea PendantI like that it comes in gold as gold is what I prefer although if Charlie and my daughter would have preferred Silver. Although Charlie says with this being in Gold it is perfect because it reminds him of the Jewelry his favorite Rap Singers wear.
I have a secret to share with you but don’t tell Charlie as I want to surprise him this necklace also comes in Antique Silver which I plan on ordering Charlie’s in and this way we have one of each color and depending on what we are wearing or where we are going the necklaces will look perfect and be different from other jewelry people around us are wearing.
I had Charlie try the necklace on and it was the perfect length for him although just looking at it I was afraid the chain would be too small that it wasn’t. Charlie had me try it on and I loved how far the necklace came on me as well. From the way the chain looked, I thought it might be heavy and it wasn’t and both of us would wear the chain without the Crustacea if we could.
I would like to share the other pieces that would turn your necklace into a complete set:
I would like to point out this is “FINE JEWELRY and now a TOY so it is more expensive than Jewelry I would purchase for children although Charlie will be turning 11 in December so it is time for me to get him more grown up Jewelry than the items I usually purchase for him as this is made better and will last longer for an active young man or women.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates