Screen printing for newbies: Everything you need to know

The Mommies Reviews

Screen printing for newbies: Everything you need to know


Most people never try screen printing as something that looks too complex. But trust us when we say this: Anyone can do it with some basic supplies and some good will! 

The basis for this is pretty simple and straightforward. Screen printing is similar to stencil but unlike it, you don’t have to cut individual shapes. Instead, you will coat a screen then cut an image out.

Here are the basic steps you need to follow!

  1. Buy supplies and clear some room

Needless to say, like any other DIY process, it all starts by getting the right material. You will need stuff such as screen and frame, a light bulb, photo emulsion and sensitizer, a reliable set of gloves, a t-shirt to print on, ink and cardboard. Once you get all of that, make sure to isolate yourself in a dark room without any light coming in. This is the crucial part which most people mess up which is why they get lackluster results. 

3. Make a perfect image

This is the most fun part of the process! You now have the opportunity to put a personal stamp on your clothing. However, if this is your first t-shirt, it is much better if you start with a simpler design. This image will later on be burnt into the emulsion. You can later on use a laser printer to print it.

3. Screen needs to be coated in emulsion 

Before anything, you need to mix synthesizer and emulsion. Don’t worry about the details; there are always instruction on the item telling you how to use it. Next, you should put your screen on some object that you can throw away later on. The mix should be placed on the screen and spread throughout. Always remember to pour over a larger area than the image size. Even if you make a mistake, you can pour it several times over until you cover everything properly. After that, you will have to leave everything in the dark room until it drier.

4. Image needs to be exposed 

After everything said and done, it is time for the real test. You will have to place the screen into the light. While in the dark room, you will have put a dark cloth on the floor. Now, place screen and frame above them. After that, your image has to be put on the screen where the photo emulsion is. The lamp should be placed a bit above the screen; let’s say a feet or two. You can leave the room afterwards and come back in 10 minutes. Pull the transparency without yanking. If it looks good, you did a nice job. If not, put it back and wait for a bit longer.

5. Clean the screen

Screen needs to be sprayed. Make sure that the water is really cold as warm water can do you disservice. You need to continue the process until you can see the whole image. Screen needs to be dried afterwards. 

6. The last phase

Now that everything is said and done, you’re ready for printing. T-shirt needs to be placed on a flat surface. Screen goes over the shirt as you can presume. Take ink and pour it across the screen. Now, you should take squeegee and start rolling downwards with firm strong movements.

That’s basically that!

Even if you don’t make it right on the first try, don’t get discouraged. These things take time and if you want to be a true master, you will have to dedicate yourself to it!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates