It’s Tuesday, August 27, 2019, and time for Science. I would like to invite you to check out these Recommended Website: The Natural Inquirer and also IRIS. If you have used either of these resources what did you think of the websites and why?

Age Range: 4-18 (Grades PreK-12, with parental supervision) This website offers a FREE science education journal titled, “The Natural Inquirer,” in which scientists with the USDA Forest Service share their research with students of all ages.
When you get to the site, you’ll see a featured issue that you can click on and download the PDF. To see the issues by grade, scroll over “Order Products” in the top menu to choose from:
- Middle & High School
- Upper Elementary
- PreK – 2nd Grade
You can then download the issue of choice.
Each issue of “The Natural Inquirer” for Middle & High School students introduces students to the scientists who conduct the environmental research and includes an article on a specific research project.
Each issue also contains a “FACTivity” designed to help students learn scientific vocabulary words included in the articles. There are also discussion questions designed to help students think more about research.
For the elementary grades, the issues are called Investi-gator and the PreK-2nd grade issues are called the National Inquirer Reader Series. Some issues are also offered in Spanish!
Be sure to check out the series of Scientist Cards and Posters – these cards are an excellent tool for teaching students about different types of science and scientists and can be printed and used offline.
There are also accompanying lesson plans and supplemental resources under “For Educators” in the left side bar. And there are some games and activities and more under “For Kids” in the top menu.
This is a treasure trove of environmental learning resources! Bookmark this one, as you’ll need to visit many times to explore the vast content!
Recommended Website: IRIS

Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision) This site offers free science tools, lessons, animations, software and more to help students learn all about seismology, plate tectonics, earthquakes, geology and much more!
Sponsored by the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (funded by the National Science Foundation), this website has powerful, interactive learning tools from a consortium of over 100 U.S. universities dedicated to the acquisition, management, and distribution of seismological data.
We know this may sound “heady” but there are all kinds of engaging multi-media activities that students of a wide range of abilities and interests will enjoy.
When you get to the site you’ll see a variety of offerings. We suggest clicking on “Seismic Monitor” that is under “Earthquake Resources” on the landing page. A new screen opens where you can access:
- Earthquake Headlines – Read news stories about earthquakes.
- Last 30 Days Earthquakes – See a list of earthquakes, their location and magnitude over the past 30 days.
- Special Quakes – Review recent earthquake teachable moments.
- Plate Tectonics – Discover the continual slow movement of the tectonic plates.
- Education Links – Get access to free animations, video lectures, lessons and resources with links to materials, and much more!
There is so much content here that you can’t really see and enjoy it all in one visit. Bookmark the site to return again
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates