
The Mommies Reviews

Can you believe Summer will be over soon. Charlie is entering 6th grade next Monday. I know he may struggle a lot this year so to prepare Charlie I have been looking for resources we can use next year.

This morning I would like to share a new Homeschool Resource with you for Science. The new class is from Kids Do Ecology If you have used this website what did you think about it and why?

Kids Do Ecology
Age Range: 8-12 (Grades 3-7 approximately, with parental supervision)
Learn about the science of ecology with this archived website from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, California.
When you get to the site, you’ll see a menu of choices that includes: 

  • Learn About Ecology – Get an introduction to the study of ecology, learn about endangered species, find out about careers in ecology, and enjoy interviews with ecologists.
  • Data & Science – Discover the scientific method! Learn to analyze data and present results. Design your own ecology experiment.
  • World Biomes – Learn about the 5 major biomes including aquatic, desert, forest, grassland, and tundra. Discover the flora and fauna that thrive in each.
  • Marine Mammals – Meet Blue, Grey, and Humpback whales, a variety of dolphins, and sea otters!

Each section contains clickable links to information, videos, sound, and fun facts. You can also check out some classroom science projects and an assortment of links to other science websites.