Scholastic Learn at Home

The Mommies Reviews

School ins in Fort Worth and Dallas closed I have been following resource parents can use to keep there children learning. Even though Charlie is Homeschooling I I could use some of the resources.

return to the Scholastic Learn at Home homepage

One of the websites I will be using is Scholastic Learn at Home . Scholastic provides us with 20 days’ of active learning journeys .

The journeys are designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school. You can check out the website at:


Grades 1 and 2

Grades 3-5

Grades 6+

Example of Day 1 for 6th+ Grade

Day 1

Meet a teen changing how the world views disabilities in “Celebrating Differences.”


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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and Dacids Cates