Would you help me welcome our newest Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor the Author Molly Burford who has published Say Yes to Yourself 50+ Uplifting Lessons in Self-Empowerment, Self-Confidence, and Self-Worth. I received a copy of the book in exchange for a spot in our Christmas Gift Guide.

You will find Say Yes to Yourself inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for; Women and you might even see Charlie and I using Say Yes to Yourself in our classroom during our Reading class.

Stand tall, believe in yourself, and stop apologizing for who you are with these simple, impactful lessons and exercises to empower yourself and become a stronger, more confident you!
Feeling empowered to grow, be strong, and live your authentic life—one where you’re respected but also respect yourself—is a goal we would all like to achieve. But you don’t have to be a superhero to do it! Self-empowerment comes through practicing small exercises every day.
In Say Yes to Yourself you’ll learn to replace words, actions, and interior thoughts that leave you feeling weak and frustrated with positive substitutes to build strength, confidence, and purpose.
You’ll soon be on your way to a more empowered, positive, confident you—at home, at work, and in your relationships—getting what you want and need with respect and admiration.
Meet the Author: Molly Burford
Molly Burford is a writer, editor, and social media strategist. Her writing has appeared in Allure, Teen Vogue, and Thought Catalog, among others. Molly was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and now resides in Denver, Colorado. She loves her family, friends, all dogs, and pasta. Follow Molly at @mollyburford and learn more at www.mollyburford.com
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates