Safety Tips for Single Moms with a Home-Based Business

The Mommies Reviews

Over the past few years, a growing number of moms have begun working from home so that they could be there for their children instead of putting them in daycare. Not only is it far less expensive, but many moms feel it’s safer for their children as well. With a growing fear of gun violence in schools and after a couple years of covid when schools were shut down due to the pandemic, more and more moms simply want to have their young children home with them.

By keeping their children at home, they feel there is greater protection against mass shootings and less exposure to potentially lethal diseases.  However, as a single mom working from home there are other potential dangers to be aware of. These safety tips can help single moms protect their home and their children when working a home-based business.

Register Your Business with a Virtual Mail Address

What you may not know is that it is perfectly legal to register a business with a virtual mailbox address that has an actual physical location. There is one company, physicaladdress, that has been providing virtual mailbox addresses for more than eight years. It is perfectly legal to register a business to a mailbox with address because it is a real physical address. 

In other words, the mail virtual address really goes to a physical address and is then scanned and entered into a digital file that can be accessed. In this way, no person with nefarious intent can know where that single mom is really located, thereby preventing stalkers from doing harm. This is especially important if mom is a blogger and lets it be known that she is a single stay-at-home mom.

Install Online Security to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Even though you try your hardest not to give too much information, if you are active on social media, hackers and online stalkers can sometimes get clues to where you live. They can at least find out what city you are in, or in which your profile is registered in. 

If you think there aren’t cyber stalkers out there, it’s time to think again! Not only is your business in jeopardy but so too is your safety and that of your child. There is ample information out there on exactly what kinds of digital protection is available to prevent stalkers from finding your location, so make sure to install the best software you can find based on customer and professional reviews.

Keep Business and Personal Social Profiles Separate

As one final bit of advice, and speaking of social media, the one thing you absolutely can do to protect yourself, your children and your business is to keep your social profiles separate. Make one for your business and one for your personal account and there should be no way someone with nefarious intent can connect the two. If you don’t tell them that you are one of millions of single mothers in your business social profile, it’s less likely they’ll try stalking you. Keep everything separate, hide in your virtual mail address and you will have the highest level of protection possible. If they can’t ‘see’ you, they can’t ‘find’ you.