The Mommies Reviews

ROCK AND ROLL IS HERE TO STAY AT THE GREASE SING-ALONG and I would like to let you know for our family Grease was the word last night. As we attended GREASE SING-ALONG .

Here I am getting ready for Grease I have my Comb and I am fixing my hair and my Cigarettes not that I condone Smoking… Which is why mine are made from Candy.

I was amazed when I asked David if he wanted to go with me to the GREASE SING-ALONG because David hates when I sign in the theaters because it embarrass David.

Knowing how important Grease is to me and o my daughter Suzzane David said he would go. Although, Charlie didn’t want to come with me but at the last minute he decided to attend the movie because Charlie didn’t want to stay home by himself.

Hungry anyone? I need a Hamburger, Cherry Soda and Chocolate Ice Cream

What surprised me the most was when my niece Alyssa let me know her and her husband David M. wanted to attend THE GREASE SING-ALONG. This morning Juanita a friend also let me know she would have liked to attend THE GREASE SING-ALONG.

I didn’t tell Alyssa or Juanita but last night the host of this event mentioned we should do a Double Feature of Grease and Grease 11. I agreed with the hostess even though Grease 11 isn’t my favorite movie I would go because Charlie hasn’t seen this movie.

I think Alamo DraftHouse should play Grease and Saturday Night Fever together because these are my favorite John Travolta movies ever. Then they could also show Zandu with Olivia Newton John.

Saturday Night Festival and a John Travolta what more does a girl need?

Once we got into the theater and I was able to share the props that came with out tickets. Charlie became excited and he couldn’t wait for Grease Sing-Along to begin. David, couldn’t either and he even sang once the move began.

I caught myself saying the lines to the movie before the Actors did. At times I heard Charlie singing when he didn’t think I was looking he would dance in his seat just as I did.

Hubba. Hubba, Hubba. Isn’t he fine? This picture reminds me of Vinnie Barbarinno from Welcome Back Kotter. How about you?

I loved seeing the Crowd doing the Hand Jive and now, Charlie wants to learn how to do this dance so if were able to return to a Grease Sing-Along we can part of the crowd doing the Hand Jive.

Hand Jive baby.. But this dance had a whole lot of Booty Shakin going on….

Charlie picked out parts of Grease I didn’t even think about like the glasses John Travolta had is like the glasses Tom Cruise used in Top Gun. Charlie also pointed out one of the songs was from La Bamba.

My hunky bear getting ready to watch the movie and no, he may not be as good looking as John Travolta but I wouldn’t take a million bucks from him. Although, he might trade me in for Sandy in the Black Leather outfit..

Charlie, David and I checked out the special Grease Menu and we had thought of purchasing one the Chocolate Shake but we decided we would wait because Shakes aren’t on my diet and yesterday was’t my cheat day which is Sunday.

I was so proud of Charlie and David for supporting me and not getting snacks I couldn’t have. We did order a Soda and we found out there is Free Refills on both the Popcorn and Soda’s


We’re hopelessly devoted to GREASE, with its lovable characters, its doo-wop style, and, of course, those endlessly catchy tunes. To celebrate this timeless classic, we’re putting together an interactive, prop-filled, hand-jiving Sing-Along for all you T-Birds and Pink Ladies out there (beauty school dropouts also welcome).

We’ll kick things off with a pre-show hand jive contest before we start the interactive show, where you’ll have some candy cigarettes to help you look like a greaser, a comb so that you can comb-along to the action, balloons, bubbles, and more. And because this is a Sing-Along, we’ll have the lyrics up onscreen to help every Danny, Sandy, Rizzo, and Kenickie in the audience get in on the fun.

So roll up the cuffs on those jeans, grab your respective black leather and pink satin jackets, theatrically comb your hair, and cruise on down to join us for the most rockin’ Sing-Along ever.

Crowd favorite GREASE is still the word, released over forty years ago and offering countless inspiration, imitation, and one sequel that has as many lovers as it does dissenters. Grab your leather jacket, do up your hair, and get ready to party yet again with Sandy, Danny, and the rest of the gang!

I wish Charlie had a Black Leather jacket to have worn. I wanted a Pink Ladies jacket. Unlike the host my jacket wasn’t lost in the mail. I haven’t been able to order a jacket. The sweater she had on looked like the one John earned in track. Which I didn’t have either.

My own personal T Bird..

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates