Relaxing Tips For Mothers: 7 Effective Ways To Make Yourself Calm During Quarantine

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Relaxing Tips For Mothers: 7 Effective Ways To Make Yourself Calm During Quarantine

Being a mother is already a stressful job. We have to consider many things, including our monthly bills, how to take care of our children and husband, and how to maintain the homeliness of our home. We have to do all these things gracefully without sacrificing our inner peace and well-being.

Most of us have managed to get through our lives as mothers, but because of the pandemic and being stuck at home, quarantined, it becomes more challenging to survive and remain calm. The pandemic has been a nerve-racking experience. That is why we have to strategize and use some techniques to keep ourselves relaxed and at peace. To make yourself remain calm during quarantine, you may consider doing these things:

Light Candles

While candles are closely associated with sacred ceremonies and funerals, they are surprisingly used and lit by many people as a part of their relaxation routine. Lighting candles not only sets the ambiance and mood of your place, but it can also help you calm down, especially if your candle is lavender-scented. 

You can enjoy your Netflix night with your partner with a burning candle in the background. Or you may also burn candles while practicing yoga. It can soothe your soul while reducing your stress and increasing your self-awareness. If you are thinking of purchasing candles, you may check Southern Lights Candle Co online for options.

Practice Yoga

The pandemic has put a toll on our mental health, compelling us to spend our energy and time overthinking our problems. If you see yourself overthinking lately, redirect your energy and mind by practicing yoga. Yoga is a doable mind and body practice that allows you to move, meditate, and breathe as a way to keep yourself calm, flexible, and present-minded. 

You may consider starting with the sun salutation yoga poses every morning to stretch your muscles. Sun salutation comprises 12 poses and can be quickly done alone. You may consider doing these poses while watching the sunrise in your garden for a dramatic yet excellent effect.


You may also distract yourself by doing some exercises at home. Exercising does not only improve your physical body, but it can also reduce anxiety, stress, and negative mood. When working out at home, don’t rush yourself to strenuous exercises. It would be best if you start small. Watching guide videos on Youtube may also help.


Another way to relax your mind is to spend some of your time decluttering your home. Categorize your belongings and remove all the things that you no longer need. Decluttering does not only clear your mind, but it can also make your home more livable and homely. It lets you have a sense of control, boosting your self-esteem.

Read Book

Reading books is also an excellent way to spend your time while in quarantine. It can distract you from overthinking your problems, relieving you of stress and anxiety. Reading can also help you gain new perspectives and sometimes answer some of your life questions. You may consider reading fiction, but self-help books are the most recommended, especially if you are going through something.

Start Journaling

If you no longer contain your emotions, you may consider writing and start journaling. You will only need a notebook, a pen, and an open mind. When writing about your current situation, problem, and emotions, you must let them all flow. Feel all your feelings to make it more authentic. And you will see yourself calmed down after writing. 

It is also recommended that you start a gratitude journal to write all the things you are grateful for. Focusing on the things you have rather than what you don’t have is a mood-booster. It will help you see life in a more positive life while not ignoring that life is a balance between good times and bad times. 

Avoid Drinking Caffeine

When our mind is all worked up because we overthink, we sometimes find ourselves having trouble sleeping. We also find ourselves overeating and overdrinking caffeine-contained drinks, such as coffee, soda, and wine. 

Drinking coffee during quarantine may help us be attentive and alert, but drinking too much has many adverse side effects, including irritability and gastric distress. Thus, to prevent experiencing these side effects, you must minimize your caffeine intake. Instead, you may consider drinking lots of water or preparing fun drinks, such as an avocado smoothie, fruit juice, etc.


It would not be easy to relax, especially if we are facing a global problem that is yet to be solved. Our mind would also be conditioned to always think of the worse, which makes the thought of relaxing stressful. But, we must distract ourselves from these thoughts as they can only make us mentally and emotionally unhealthy. As mothers, we have to be strong for the sake of our kids. So, let us prioritize our mental health.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates