REDUCING YOUR CANCER RISK Published by Dr. Carl Helvie

There are many people in not only my family but David’s as well who has had one form or Cancer in another form. So when I was sent a email telling me about this new book called REDUCING YOUR CANCER RISK (A Holistic Approach) Kindle Edition Published by Dr. Carl Helvie I knew it would be something I should read.

I have had one scare with Cancer and so has my sister. Plus David has been having a lot of health issues lately and there wanting to do some test to find out what is wrong. So with both his parents also dealing with different forms of Cancer I thought I would sit down and read this book and see if there was some things we could implement in our family so we could hopefully stop Cancer from attacking our body.

I sat down to read one of two chapters of the book so I could get on with the things I needed to do. As I had planned on reading some each day. Although after I begin to read the book I couldn’t put it down and I finished it all in one sitting. As I was reading it I was sharing things with David and before I finished the book David let me know he wanted me to help him read it as he wanted to try some of the things it mentioned.

Including Exercise and changing the foods he eats. As he wanted to see if it would stop some of the pains he was having and if he would actually be able to get a better nights sleep. With both our family members having Cancer David has become more adamant about what Charlie can eats and also making sure he gets Exercise daily. So as he grows up he isn’t one of the two people who end up with Cancer.

All in all I would recommend this new novel to everyone I know because if we can keep each other healthy this this is what I want to do. Plus if we can keep the world a healthy place I want to make sure and sure ways we can  do this. You can bet your bottom dollar that I plan on sharing this book with everyone I know.

The latest statistics show one of every two adults will have cancer and about half of these are preventable. For example, research shows that 30 minutes of exercise daily could reduce cancer risk by 50% and proper nutrition could reduce it 35%. Mental/Spiritual aspects are also important. One study reported those who expressed gratitude had stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and fewer symptoms of illness, slept better and were better able to tolerate aches and pains.

This 174 page book includes a theoretical framework that provides an overview of factors that are carcinogenic and when avoided can reduce your cancer risks including electromagnetic frequencies, selected carcinogenic chemicals and metals, and ultraviolet rays. It also includes things you can do to strengthen your mind/spirit/body against carcinogens including 1) physical things such as exercise; fluids; nutrition; vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements; immune builders; sleep; smoking cessation, and music, and 2) mental/spiritual activities including affirmations, compassion, faith, forgiveness, gratitude, meditation, optimism, prayer, relaxation, serving others, social support, stress reduction, and visualization. Research based ways to avoid or become stronger against carcinogens, and interviews with over 40 national leaders on these subjects are included in this holistic approach to cancer prevention.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates