Did you know Charlie is taking a cooking class in our Homeschooling which is part of Home Economics Class.? Charlie is also studying Tolkien in his reading class. Wich is why I was excited to be asked if we would like to have a copy of Recipes from the World of Tolkien which we can prepare in our Cooking Class as well as parties we host.

Recipes from the World of Tolkien allow me to give Charlie a Gift not only to read for fun, but which will allow Charlie to use to create a new learning experience. As Charlie delves into Recipes from the World of Tolkien creating recipes not only for our family but our friends as well. Would you like to come to dinner?
About: Recipes from the World of Tolkien

If you’ve ever wondered what a Hobbit, an Elf, or a Dwarf might eat Recipes from the World of Tolkien is the cookbook is for you! Which will allow you to whip up tasty fare with recipes that cover all six mealtimes from the realm of J.R.R. Tolkien. This cookbook is divided by the time of day which the meals should be prepared for.
Before you say this cookbook is before my time and the recipes may call for ingredients, I haven’t heard of that isn’t true. This cookbook uses ingredients and culinary techniques, and American measurements that you and I’ve grown up with. Recipes from the World of Tolkien is a great resource for Lord of the Rings parties, and the perfect way to experience real food that tastes like a fantasy!
This work is unofficial and is not authorized by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers.
Robert Tuesley Anderson is a writer, poet, and editor living in the Southern Uplands of Scotland. Like many, he first fell in love with Tolkien’s books as a child and even went so far as to struggle with the arcane details of Quenya grammar. This book has given him the opportunity to bring together two lifelong enthusiasms: good, home-cooked food and high-fantasy writing.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates