Pregnancy Skin Care Tips – Stop Blaming the Crazy Hormones and Physical Changes


The moment a woman becomes pregnant her skin will experience some changes. In fact, a woman can blame her crazy pregnancy hormones as well as the drastic physical changes that her body undergoes. Skin changes during this phase right from the unwanted stretch marks to pregnancy glow are universal. Every woman faces it as this is part and parcel of the pregnancy stage, but there is just nothing to worry as there are amazing tips which if followed sincerely can help a great deal.

A Close Look at Some Common Pregnancy Skin Care Problems

Although there are many changes that a pregnant woman experiences but below is a list of some of the most common,

  • Linea Nigra- The linea alba which is a faint line gets darker which runs from the belly button up to the pubic hair. Due to its light shade, it is not visible earlier, but during pregnancy, excess production of Melanin darkens the line. Often this line gets visible at the second stage of pregnancy. It will fade post childbirth.  
  • Mask of Pregnancy- A pregnant woman will notice a blotchy and dark spot on the skin known as chloasma or melasma. This skin condition is so common that it is also known as “mask of pregnancy.” It will give one brown pigment splotches which can happen on the neck, jaw, chin, nose, upper lip, cheeks and forehead. At times the brown patches can appear as a mask, so the nickname. Exposure to the sun is likely to make these spots more pronounced. This mask of pregnancy, unfortunately, will come back with future pregnancy. In fact, this skin care problem happens due to hormonal changes in the body. On a temporary basis, the hormones will boost up the melanin production, a natural substance which provides color both to the eyes and hair. Chloasma effects will fade away post few months of delivery yet will not disappear entirely. But there is nothing to worry although it will not be aesthetically appealing.  
  • Acne- Acne or a pimple during pregnancy is widespread. The majority of the woman will experience acne similar to what they had suffered during the puberty age.  
  • Vascular Spiders- These are small red veins which will appear under the skin surrounding the hands, arms, upper chest, face, neck and eyes. It looks like tiny red spiders and will begin to fade within three months post-delivery.
  • Red Palms- During pregnancy, the palms of a woman’s hands will become red. The coloration results from the blood vessels under the skin that dilate. The palms may even itch due to the increase in the supply of blood in pregnancy. After delivery, the redness will begin to fade.
  • Varicose Veins- Varicosities in the leg is common. The dilated small blood vessels will be visible on the skin. The higher the blood that pools within the dilated vessels naturally, the worse the condition will be.
  • Skin Tags- With the tummy becoming bigger during pregnancy, one will notice stretch marks, ugly depressed streaks which surface on the skin. The time here varies. Some may experience it in the second trimester while others during the third trimester.
  • Stretch Marks- As the stretch marks begin; it will look like purplish or pinkish lines on the skin. Eventually, stretch marks will appear anywhere where the skin stretches. Some common areas include the thighs, breasts, and stomach. Some women get stretch marks on the upper arms, buttocks, hips and lower back. Although it will fade yet will not disappear entirely. The skin is quite elastic yet the enormous weight gain at the time of pregnancy will be more for the skin to handle. When the skin overstretches and begins to tear it results in stretch marks.

Best Foods for Glowing Skin During Pregnancy

Although the list of foods which one should take during pregnancy is a long one but the top 10 are as follows,

  • Grape Juice
  • Fennel Seeds
  • Pineapple
  • Orange
  • Fish
  • Almonds
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Coconut
  • Saffron Milk

Best Pregnancy Skin Care Tips

Taking proper care of the skin during pregnancy is of utmost importance. Some women’s skin begins to glow at this time while others experience skin pigmentation which makes the skin look dull and pale. It takes place because of the pregnancy hormones. For maintaining beautiful and healthy skin at the time of pregnancy, every pregnant woman should re-evaluate her skincare routine. For best results follow some of Pretty Mommies Pregnancy skin care tips. Besides, one can also follow these simple skin care tips and tricks to look after the skin.  

  • Drink Sufficient Water- First and foremost every pregnant woman should drink sufficient amount of water as it will help to wash out all the toxins from the body. It is water that will help to maintain the correct quantity of amniotic fluid within the body which is useful both for the health of the baby and the mother alike. If one cannot consume water, she can substitute it with other forms of liquids such as soups, fruit juice or coconut water.
  • Adequate Sleep- Rest in plenty will give the expectant mother more energy at the daytime and also help in preventing dark circles which can spoil her look during pregnancy.
  • Nutritious and Balanced Diet- During pregnancy, a woman should be extra cautious about what she eats and religiously follow the diet suggested by her doctor.
  • No Harsh Soaps- Most soaps these days have fillers and chemicals and can be harsh for the skin. It can remove the skin’s natural oil. Here the best step will be to use a facial cleanser or moisturizing body wash.
  • Sun Protection- During the pregnancy, it is wise to use a sunscreen lotion all the time. In case of oily skin or prone to acne should use products, which contain topical erythromycin, alpha hydroxy acid or glycolic acid or use a lotion that is suggested by a dermatologist.
  • Choose Branded Beauty Products- During pregnancy it is best not to experiment with beauty products. It is best to use beauty products from good brands which come with product safety standards. Above all, it will not harm the baby.
  • Keep Stress at Bay- Stress is equally harmful both to the mother and the baby alike. Practicing yoga or meditation can keep the mother calm and relaxed.
  • Moisturize the Skin Before Sleeping- Cleaning the face and neck with a gentle scrub 2-3 times a week will help a great deal. For best results, one should moisturize her skin before going to bed and also remove all the make-up from the face.

So, every to-be mom, hope these tips will prove beneficial. Good Luck!!! Don’t forget to check out natural wrinkle creams when looking for skin care products for yourself.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates