PowerStep metatarsalgia insoles

The Mommies Reviews

Lordy lordly August is almost over and were going into September and I’m praying the weather begins to cool down so I can resume walking. The more I do to lose weight the bigger I seem to get. Even with the diet pills I’ve been taking which is affecting my feet causing them to hurt along with my knees. While my legs swell up like a Watermelon.

I need to purchase new walking shoes this week and Charlie and I’ve been looking at Vans and Skechers Go Walks. I think I finally decided I would like to get a pair of Go Walks because its what I am used to. Although I plan on adding metatarsalgia insoles for extra support which will stop the pain in the ball of my foot when standing and walking.

Would you like to join me in August as I strive to walk at least 5,000 steps each day. I will also be using recipes from SlimFast which should allow me to begin to eat healthier and kick of my weight loss. Along with this printable to track my steps each day. Did you know with Charlie homeschooling he can walk with me each day which would allow Charlie to get his pe in without stressing over what to do each day.

I hope you take the time to check out PowerStep arch which was designed by a podiatrist to create an affordable solution for people suffering from plantar fasciitis, overpronation, and other painful foot conditions which everyone in our family seems to suffer from. Is it this way in your home as well?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates