“Positively Altered: Finding Happiness At the Bottom of a Chemo Bag.”

The Mommies Reviews

I’d love to introduce you to Dr. Cindy M. Howard, author of the upcoming memoir “Positively Altered: Finding Happiness At the Bottom of a Chemo Bag.” [September 12th, 2023]. I will be reviewing her book and also hopefully have a Guest Post to share with you. In the meantime I would like for you to check out the book here:


Thirty-four stories, three postscripts, and one big message: Positively Altered is a call to action for every one of us to unapologetically live and love our own way no matter what challenges life brings.

Positively Altered is about how to find happiness in the rarest of places—for starters, at the bottom of a chemo bag. In a collection of raw, in-the-moment stories that come to life with self-deprecating humor and a hearty dose of reality, Cindy doesn’t sugarcoat her journey any more than she bemoans her fate.

A roller coaster of both laugh-out-loud and tender moments of love, parenthood, friendship, and cancer, Cindy’s message packs a punch and delivers an honest look at life and how adversity can positively alter it. From her “Fifty-One Things” list and duplex theory to her “Two-Martini Accident,” Cindy’s stories will be that nudge you’ve needed to see things more clearly and settle more confidently into the superhero that’s you. So grab your cape and join Cindy on page 1.

“I couldn’t put this one down,” says Bill Strom, corporate trainer and international speaker from Tony Robbins Companies about Positively Altered“It made me laugh, and it made me cry. Cindy’s story is a wonderful example of how to smile in the face of adversity, to say ‛Try me!’ instead of ‛Why me?’ and to have the faith to stay ‛in spirit’ through the toughest of times. Cindy is David and has slayed Goliath!” 

Watch Dr. Cindy’s Youtube channel.

About Dr. Cindy

From a modern dancer to a title-winning powerlifter, Dr. Cindy M. Howard’s life has been an exciting journey, filled with endless adventures and a vibrant spirit. As a board-certified chiropractic internist, nutritionist, and national speaker, she dedicates herself to empowering others to live their best lives, both emotionally and physically.

Cindy was fortunate to win the parent lottery, blessed with loving and supportive parents who were always there for her during school projects, Halloween costume creations, and even those infamous bad boyfriends. Their optimistic outlook on life nourished Cindy’s sharp sense of humor, contributing to her overall zest for life. In her youth, she found herself at two opposing ends of the athletic spectrum, immersing herself in the world of professional dancing (thanks to countless hours spent watching Solid Gold) while simultaneously conquering the realm of competitive powerlifting, securing titles in both bench press and deadlift.
Driven by her passion for athletics, Cindy pursued a career in chiropractic school following her graduation. Today, she channels her enthusiasm into running her thriving practice, where she attends to a diverse array of patients with conditions ranging from fatigue to autoimmune diseases, catering to individuals from pediatrics to professional athletes.
Ever the determined and resilient individual, Cindy encountered a life-changing moment when she personally diagnosed herself with Hodgkin’s lymphoma by reading her own test results. This experience solidified her unwavering belief that we possess the power to choose our approach to life and determine how we respond to the challenges presented by the universe. Embracing this philosophy, she authored her inspiring book, Positively Altered, a celebration of this empowering belief system.
When Cindy’s not seeing patients or speaking on stage, she’s navigating life in the South Suburbs of Chicago with her boyfriend Keith and her three amazing kids. If you’re up for an inappropriate joke, any pastime involving the ocean, or achieving your next big challenge, Cindy has you covered. Her life motto embodies her spirit: “I’ll do anything once, twice if it’s fun, three times just to be sure.” So, dive in. See what you can learn about yourself. Become positively altered. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates