This is a review for the children’s book Popo love animals. Do You? which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

Charlie will be studying Animals this year in his Homeschool Classes. As I was preparing the lessons I knew we would need books for Charlie to read. Which is why I was excited to receive Popo love animals. Do You? I don’t know about you but Charlie, David and I love all kinds of animals.
I sat down to browse through the book when Charlie can and sat with me. We Popo love animals. Do You? together. Then we discussed what we learned from the book. As we talked Charlie let me know he couldn’t wait to share the book with his dad.

I let Charlie know I loved the picture of the Animals in the Boat which reminded me of the Ark and lead us to reread our Bible. We opened the book and I feel in love with the Hot Air Balloon. I wish there wasn’t writing on the page or I would have used it to decorate our school walls with.
Not only does Popo love animals. Do You? tell a interesting story and give us ideas for Field Trips. As well as activities to keep kids busy for hours on end. Charlie can use this book for reading, Art and so much more.

I could see children of all ages wanting there own copy of Popo love animals. Do You? As well as adults who would love doing the activities inside the book by themselves as well as with there children. If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out Popo love animals. Do You? I hope you do soon because this is a must see book.

Parents and children alike get ready to set off on a wild jungle adventure with Popo and his little friends and learn all about different animals. This book will introduce children to different animals―land, aquatic, wild and also about the ones that live on the farm. The little ones will love the fun-packed pages as they read the story and complete various activities.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates