
The Mommies Reviews

I was blessed when Pillar agreed to let me check out the company in exchange for a spot in this years Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women. But before you ask me how I like the service I haven’t had the opportunity to try it out but I plan on it as soon as things slow down here.

Now, that my brother is by himself and his health is failing I want to make sure he has all his important information in one place. Which is why Pillar is the perfect Gift for Gerald.

For Christmas I let David know I wanted to purchase Pillar for our family, my sister and also my brother. Then if one of us get sick like my dad did we all will know what the others wishes are.

This will allow us to know were to find paperwork we need. What we want done if one of us passes. Even though this isn’t something we want to think about we need to be prepared because tomorrow isn’t PROMISHED.


Pillar a new digital tool to organize and store your family’s most important documents – saving families 25 hours of their time organizing their most important activities.

Whether it’s people using it for themselves, their parents, their partners, their children, their pets, etc. – Pillar lets you store all your family’s most important information online.

You can store everything from medical records to legal documents to financial accounts so your family is protected if the unexpected happens during the pandemic. Pillar is $9.99 per month when paid annually ($119.88 per year) or $14.99 per month when paying monthly.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates