Picture Challenge for 2024

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I’ve been spending way to much time inside to get us up and moving I thought I would do a Picture a Day Challenge through January 24 along with a Color of the Day Challenge we did in the past. Your welcome to join us in one or both challenges. You can share the pictures on your Social Sites or a Blog if you have one.

I know it’s day 2 of January 2024 and the challenges should have begun on the first but life got in the way as usual. So I’m going to go ahead and do day one them move forward through the month. If neither of these challenges are your cup of tea then join us in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and lets make new friends as we follow and share for each other.

Picture of the Day Challenge:

1 Share a book you would like to read this year

2 Share a picture of your favorite beverage

3. If you have a Pet ie Pets share a picture of them.

4. Share a favorite room in your house.

5. Time to get outside and take a picture of a car you like.

6. Whiat’s for dinner this evening? Share a picture with us.

7. Share a picture of your family with us.

8. If you collect anything come share a picture of your collection with us.

10. Share a picture of your Happy Space.

11. Valentines Day is around the corner do you have decorations you put out if so share them with us.

12. New Years just passed show a photo of how you celebrated.

13. It seems to be cold here so come share your favorite Winter Outfit.

14. PJ Day share a picture of your favorite PJs.

15. Share a photo of someone you love.

16. Come share a recipe your preparing with someone you love.

17. Visit your favorite store and show a item you would love to have.

18. Time for Exercise share what you do.

19. Show a picture of your Car and then share a picture of your dream car.

20. Do you have anything from your childhood if so share a picture of it.

21. Post a Black and White Photo of your choice.

22. Share a photo of your favorite time of day or night.

23. Share a Vintage sign with us.

24. Share a Record or CD of someone you enjoy listening to.

25. Take someone you love to get a Ice Cream and share what you both choose.

26. Drive through your City and take a photo that showcase your City.

27. Share something your family enjoys doing together.

28. Share a photo of Flowers you find in your home or neighborhood.

29. Showcase a photo a sport you and your family do together.

30. Free Day if you’ve made it this far share anything your heart desires.

31. Take a photo yourself patting yourself on the back for a job will done.

Color Challenge:

  1. Red,
  2. Yellow,
  3. Blue,
  4. Brown,
  5. Orange,
  6. Green,
  7. Purple,
  8. Black,
  9. Violet,
  10. Red Orange,
  11. Pink,
  12. White,
  13. Peach,
  14. Sky Blue,
  15. Tan,
  16. Lavender,
  17. Forest Green,
  18. Gold,
  19. Turquoise
  20. Cobalt Blue,
  21. Plum, Silver,
  22. Fuchsia,
  23. Neon Pink,
  24. Neon Yellow,
  25. Pine Green,
  26. Cotton Candy,
  27. Aquamarine
  28. Sapphire
  29. Ruby
  30. Emerald
  31. Rainbow

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates