Personal Injury Settlements- Why Avoid Accepting the First Offer

The Mommies Reviews

Personal injury claims are more common than ever in the US because victims are more aware of their rights. The good thing is that you can make a negligent person pay for your injuries and damages, whether you sustain them in a car mishap, on unsafe premises, or due to defective products. Most victims prefer to settle claims through settlement rather than take the case to court with a lawsuit. The option makes sense as you can save time and money and get compensation at the earliest. 

Once you have your claim, you can move on to resume normalcy.  But there’s another side of the picture because victims often end up losing a lot by accepting the first offer for personal injury settlements. It seems the best thing to do when you are overwhelmed by your financial needs amid medical bills, loss of income, and property damage. But here are some valid reasons to avoid accepting the first offer right away. 

Adjusters want to save the insurance company’s money

When negotiating with an insurance adjuster, remember that their goal is to save their company’s money. So they will do everything to coerce or convince you to settle for a lowball offer rather than seeking the amount you deserve. An insurance company adds to its profits by reducing the payouts for accidents. 

They even try to avoid it altogether by proving that the victim does not have a valid claim. Pay close attention to the first offer for personal injury together, and refuse right away if it seems too low in value. You will probably have a fair idea of what you deserve to cover your injuries and expenses. Do not just fall for the trap of receiving a quick payout. 

Your damages may not be calculated correctly

The last thing you should do while negotiating a settlement is to rely on the calculations of the insurance adjuster. Remember that they are working for the insurer, so they do not have your interest in mind. You must connect with a personal injury law firm to get a fair compensation value. 

A seasoned attorney calculates the amount by considering everything you may incur on your treatment and damage control. These include diagnostic tests, procedures like surgeries, physical rehabilitation, and home modifications in case of physical disabilities. Further, they can identify additional expenses, cost of pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and loss of income to estimate the compensation figure. Do not expect the adjuster to include these details in the first offer.

More injuries may surface over time

Victims are often keen to grab a quick settlement after a personal injury to get their finances on track. But you may end up hurting rather than helping your financial stability with the first offer. The biggest concern about settling the claim too quickly is that you have no idea about your medical expenses at the early stage. Many injuries do not surface right after the accident but may pose serious symptoms days or weeks later. 

For example, a concussion may be diagnosed as a traumatic brain injury after a couple of weeks. You will have to spend a fortune on its treatment, but you cannot claim anything more after closing the settlement with the insurance company. Expert lawyers suggest waiting until you have a clear picture of your injuries and present and future treatment costs. You will be in a better place with the negotiations after understanding the long-term costs and implications of the accident and injuries. 

Reviewing the claim offer puts you in a strong position

Settling a compensation claim with a large company can be daunting. They have expert adjusters and a team of legal professionals looking to intimidate the victims with soft-pressure strategies. Reviewing the claim offer before accepting it puts you in a strong position. It shows your intention to fight for your rights and settle for the compensation you deserve rather than blindly accepting the first offer. Once you are in a strong place, you can negotiate your terms. Even better, let a personal injury lawyer do it on your behalf. 

Negotiation is definitely the easy route to settle personal injury claims, but it may not always be the best. Accepting the first offer without thinking twice is the worst mistake a victim can make. These offers are often far lower than the amount you deserve, so consider them carefully before sealing the deal. Seek guidance from an expert personal injury lawyer to maximize the claim value through a settlement or lawsuit.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates