Perfect Cases & Frames! sent me the Diploma Frame in exchange for this review.
Both of my nieces Graduated from Kindergarten this year. Last year my nephew Jason did. Due to Covid none of the kids schools held a graduation ceremony which I missed a lot.

I remember watching Charlie cross the stage in his cap and gown and how proud our family was to watch. Charlie and I couldn’t wait to attend there graduation as well. But that wasn’t the Lord’s will.
Seeing Charlie upset by this wasn’t something I wanted to watch. I told Charlie we could hold our own Graduation and that I would see if I could purchase a Cap and Gown for the kids to wear.
Charlie and I can look online for a Diploma to print out and we can put the Diplomas inside the Basic Document / Diploma Frame from Perfect Cases & Frames to hang beside Charlie’s diploma.
Charlie and David reminded me to pick up two extra frames when I order for my grandson a diploma for our home and also my daughter Leslie and her husband to put his diploma in.
If you have someone graduating from school. Vacation Bible School or College then you will want to pick up the Diploma Frame not only for yourself but for the individual graduating.

The Diploma Frame comes in different sizes and colors which means I will be able to match everyone’s style. I even have my dads Diploma from when he graduated and now, I have a way to preserve them for Charlie when he grows up.
You can choose between two different glassed for your frame and for our home I want to get Museum Quality Glass in a Black Frame to match the one I already have.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates