I would like to share 2pcs Kid Boy Letter Print Green Hoodie Sweatshirt and Camouflage Print Pants Set. I received from PatPat I picked out for my nephew Jason in exchange for this review.

Even though Lily and Jason live right around the corner from us we don’t see them as much as I would like. Picking out clothes for them is hard. Although, with Lily I know things she likes and the colors she likes. But not Jason. I also didn’t know what size of clothes they wear and have to guess when purchasing them outfits.
For Jason I choose 2pcs Kid Boy Letter Print Green Hoodie Sweatshirt and Camouflage Print Pants Set because as much as I love his dad, he annoys me at times and at the moment Jason is cooler than his dad. I asked for a size 11/12 so Jason would have room to grow into the outfit and it would last longer.

I called Jason this morning asked him to come over and try on a outfit for me. Like all boys he grumbled and said only one outfit is what I will try on. Which was perfect because I only had one outfit. Jason arrived and I told him to open the bag that comes with a zip top closure and to pull the clothes out.
Jason did and he held the shirt up and read that it said “Cooler Version of Dad” and just smiled. Charlie said I need that hoodie because I am cooler that my dad. Which I do agree with at times. Jason couldn’t wait to put the Hoodie on and let me know he liked the green color a lot and that camouflage pants are his favorite.
Jason went into my restroom and put the outfit on without any help from us. I was surprised how well the Hoddie fit although the sleeves are a little long but he will grow into them in no, time. Jason let me know he loved the pants and they were just a tad bit big but I bet you in a month they will not be.

Jason let me know he only had 2 Hoodies and was so excited to get a new one. My sister Debbie loved the material the clothes were made out of. She let me know she can’t wait to share the website with Jason and Lily’s parents so they can get them new outfits as they both need new clothes. Jason and Charlie had fun discussing other pants Jason can wear the Hoodie with as well as what T Shirts he had at home that he can wear with the pants. Which Jason says will be perfect not only for playing Basketball in but sleeping in to stay warm on cold nights.
Next time for Jason as a gift for the end of school I would like to get him 2pcs Kid Boy Game Console Print Short-sleeve Tee and Elasticized Shorts Set. Which not only Jason will like but Charlie as well. If they had this outfit in Charlie’s size I would have gotten it for them to wear during Easter. But the clothes only go up to a size 11-12.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates