I was sent a bottle of Passion 4 Life 135 which is Liquid Vitamins and Minerals in exchange for a spot in this years Gift Guide.

Passion 4 Life is Great for your Mental, Physical & Sexual Health. How can we enjoy our lives without these essential components? By providing your body the vitamins, minerals & essential amino acids(proteins) to help our bodies function properly.

Men – get ready to start your day naturally energized to make it through everything life throws your way and keep you at the top of your game with just 1 delicious ounce.
For all the ladies:
OK, now – we understand that your life is a daily balancing act – juggling stressful careers, children and life while still making time to do something good for “you”. Because let’s face it – if you lose your health, it’s impossible to succeed at anything else.
My wife is the CEO of our company, our charity and our family, including 4 small grandchildren, so I watch this firsthand and am committed to keeping all of you “super” ladies super healthy! I want to give you peace of mind when it comes to improving your health with a product that is powerful, effective, convenient, simple and fast-acting with everything you need, nothing you don’t.
Your kids deserve the best start in life
As the proud grandpa of 4 very young grandchildren, I am very concerned about today’s children. 1 out of 45 has autism. 3 out of 30 have ADD/ADHD. 1 in 5 is obese which can lead not only to severe health issues but even to bullying. Sadly, even many young children suffer from stress, depression, anxiety and this is on the rise.
Most of them consume many tablespoons of sugar before even leaving the house in the morning. The American Academy of Pediatrics states, “There is good research that shows that nutrition is critical for a child’s brain and for concentration and learning at school…we see a difference in kids that get good nutrition in the morning…and how they function during the day at school.”
Family: One Delicious Product for the Entire Family
Families scatter throughout the day so it’s hard to keep track of each member’s nutritional needs. Beginning every day with your entire family taking their 1 delicious oz. of liquid Passion 4 Life whole food based vitamins and minerals ensures that each member gets the proper start to help protect their health and be energized naturally.
Why buy 3-4 different vitamins for each member of the family?
Passion 4 Life is the one stop shop for all your family’s vitamin and mineral needs – 135 high grade whole food based ingredients all for one low price. Save money and time with our single product family vitamin and mineral solution.
Many seniors hate swallowing vitamin pills so this delicious liquid comprehensive formula is an easy & affordable way to dramatically improve your health
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates