I would like to share a children’s book that is based on true events with you which is called Papa Can Fix It! narrative by Lee Alfred 11 which I received a copy of in exchange for this review. Inside this post are my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Yesterday my dad or papa as the kids liked to call him celebrated his Birthday is Heaven. Charlie and I miss my dad and also my mom a lot and I miss Suzzane more than life itself. I sat down to work and Charlie handed me Liam & Landen’s Papa Can Fix It! because we need to fix the shelf in our living room.
Charlie said mom if Papa was here just like Liam & Landen’s grandfather Papa could fix anything and yes, Charlie was right which made me miss my dad that much more. Charlie and I sat down on the couch to share stories of my dad and to read Liam & Landen’s Pappa Can Fix It! and once we finished the story Charlie reminded me this also sounded like David’s dad before Demetia took over.
On the cover of the children’s book Liam & Landen’s Papa Can Fix It! the book took me back to when Charlie was little and into Hany Many or David and Charlie watching Bob the Builder for hours on end. Charlie and even Suzzie when she was here used to help my dad out a lot just as I did as a child.
I love how the background of the book is red which used to be Charlie’s favorite color. Charlie loved the dog on the cover of the book which he said he would like to have. I reminded Charlie we have 3 dogs and even though I liked the dog in the book we didn’t need another dog. Charlie said mom the dog looks happy with these children so let’s leave him there. Charlie wanted me to ask you about the paint on the paintbrush which is green. Did you like the color?
Laim and Landon are two rambunctious energetic boys who like to play with toys and board games. The boys end up destroying things because they know there Papa will fit it. Until it comes to magazines and a dog they paint green. Which isn’t safe because paint can hurt a dog. I love how Papa explains that he can fix a lot of stuff but not a broken heart which is where their nana comes in.
It’s funny how Covid changed lives for so many of us including Lee Alford ll who was a High School Principal but ended up being home with his boys and was able to see firsthand how destructive they could be but turned things around with his writing. I wish more people could do this and I’m thankful the Author has plans to bring us more children’s books.
About the book:

Liam and Landen are fun-loving, high-energy boys, and when they play, they play hard. Smash! There goes a race car. Crack! A board game got busted. Whenever Nana and Papa come to visit, Papa has the DIY skills to fix the broken toys. Good as new, right? The boys are delighted. “Papa Can Fix It!”
Until the day when Papa tells the brothers they’re being careless and destructive with their toys. Liam and Landen are heartbroken! They didn’t mean to misbehave. Fortunately, Nana has a big heart, and she knows how to make them feel better.
Liam and Landen are the stars of their own series! Papa Can Fix It! is the first book in their ongoing adventures. Next up is Boogie B Gone, where Liam and Landen tackle Monsters! And in Book Three, This is My Face, the boys get goofy as they try out all the feelings they can express. Get to know them, their family, their dog, and their friends, and smile at their antics as they grow and learn.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates