September 2 National Blueberry Popsicle Day #BlueberryPopsicleDay

Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase. I bet you your last dollar if David’s dad knew September 2nd was National Blueberry Popsicle Day #BlueberryPopsicleDay that he would be so happy because he loves […]

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August 30 Frankenstein Day #FrankensteinDay

August 30 is Frankenstein Day #FrankensteinDay and I know both Charlie and David will be over the Moon because they love #Frankenstein. How about you. Do you like Frankenstein? If so you could watch movies with Charlie and David which I will pass on. Frankenstein Day is on August 30th and were celebrating all the details surrounding […]

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