September 20 National String Cheese Day #NationalStringCheeseDay

When Charlie was little he would ask for String Cheese as his #snack of the week and he always wanted Mozzarella Cheese Sticks from Kraft. Sometimes they even went into Charlie’s lunches. If David didn’t eat the String Cheese before Charlie would. Before you ask what about me I wouldn’t eat these Cheese Sticks because […]

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September 20 National Fried Rice Day #NationalFriedRiceDay

Did you know September 20th is National Fried Rice Day #NationalFriedRiceDay? As good as Fried Rice looks with all the Veggies I like I’ve never tried Fried Rice. Although, David loves Fried Rice and with Charlie’s friend Mikelia visiting I was thinking the kids could make Fried Rice for dinner. If I don’t like it […]

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