I hate to admit this but I think David is more excited about our upcoming Wedding Anniversary than I am. Although 17 years being married to the LOVE of my life is incredible after being apart for 17 years. I’ve been wracking my brain on what to get David as a gift. When my sister who turns 50 this year let me know it was her golden year got me curious one what you give someone for their 17th wedding anniversary and here is what I found out.
The traditional and modern gift for a 17th wedding anniversary is furniture. Furniture is a symbol of the stability and comfort of a long-term relationship. Furniture can also be a reminder of the couple’s shared history and memories.
Here are some ideas for 17th wedding anniversary gifts:
- A new sofa
- A dining room set
- A bedroom set
- A coffee table
- A bookshelf
- A desk
- A chair
- A mirror
- A rug
- A chandelier
- A piece of art
Personalized God Blessed The Broken Road Old Truck and Barn, Wall Art Canvas for Him, Wife

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to furniture. Any gift that is meaningful to the couple will be appreciated. But for David I wanted something new he would enjoy and use but being in the apartment were limited on space. I think I will get David a cute bench to go out on the Balcony off his bedroom because we do not have room for a Wine Cabinet here. Although I also found this painting I think David would like. What do you think I should get David and why?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates