I was sent products from ORL_Cares which are Health Care products made with CBD and they are a Mouthwash made with ORGANIC Xylitol and natural ingredients to a ORL_Cares Toothpaste in exchange for this review.

The toothpaste is made with ORGANIC Xylitol & natural ingredients which makes them healthier than other products I’ve used in the past. I liked how toothpaste has a Peppermint taste. This cleaned our teeth better and my teeth looked whiter after brushing with ORL_Cares Toothpaste.
I was afraid David shouldn’t try ORL_Cares Toothpaste. David is a recovering Drug Addict but he said he would try ORL_Cares Toothpaste once and if he felt like he wanted other stuff he shouldn’t have he wouldn’t use ORL_Cares Toothpaste again. David didn’t have any issues at all and we’ll be purchasing ORL_Cares Toothpaste again. Not only for ourselves but our friends and family.

Our toothpaste is formulated with natures finest ingredients. Introduce your mouth’s ecosystem to the finest essential oils, vitamins and minerals. May help remove plaque, enrich enamel, support healthy gums and whiten teeth while leaving your breath fresh and clean. Scientifically proven to remineralize and strengthen your. teeth without fluoride.
Organic xylitol, essential oils, organic vitamins, minerals, and a perfect 7.0 pH work in harmony to help clean, protect and restore your mouth’s ecosystem, strengthen your teeth enamel and freshen your breath
Alcohol FREE
Gluten FREE
Fluoride FREE
Cruelty FREE
The ORL Difference
Perfect 7.0 pH
Strengthen & restores tooth enamel
Naturally flavored with beneficial Essential Oils such as Tea Tree Oil, Coconut Oil, Peppermint Oil
Effective, safe natural ingredients – no harsh chemicals
Ingredients Include:
Calcium, Copper, Iron, Phosphorous, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K

ORL™ mouthwash is designed to naturally eliminate the bacteria the causes bad breath and gum disease by penetrating below the gum line for a deeper clean.
Organic xylitol, essential oils, organic vitamins, minerals, and a perfect 7.0 pH work in harmony to help clean, protect and restore your mouth’s ecosystem, strengthen your teeth enamel and freshen your breath.
Alcohol FREE
Gluten FREE
Fluoride FREE
Cruelty FREE
The ORL Difference
Perfect 7.0 pH
Strengthen & restores tooth enamel
Naturally flavored with beneficial Essential Oils such as Tea Tree Oil, Coconut Oil, Peppermint Oil
Effective, safe natural ingredients – no harsh chemicals
Naturally whitening mouthwash that tastes great
Ingredients Include
Calcium, Copper, Iron, Phosphorous, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K
After brushing our teeth we tried out ORL_Cares Mouthwash made with ORGANIC Xylitol and natural ingredients. I liked the Peppermint flavor and that this didn’t burn like other Mouthwashes have done in the past.
My teeth felt much cleaner and my breath smelt better and even Charlie who has nasty smelling breath a lot of times smelt better and being a child the CBD didn’t bother him. I would let Charlie use the mouthwash in the future as well as David.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates