This is Day 2 of the Gluten and Allergen Festival in Dallas, Texas at Market Hall. And let me tell you David and I went together yesterday and it was so inspiring and we learned so much. Everyone was so kind. But it was so BUSY!! So today we are returning and taking Charlie and my sister with me. As Charlie went last year and loved it.
So since he likes to Blog with me I wanted to take him so he can take picture and get to know the vendors and check out the different samples as well. This way when we sit down to work he knows what all happened at the Festival and will be able to share his thoughts with me.
So be watching for a update on the Gluten Free Festival from Charlie’s Point of View as it is time to kick off his own reviews on the Blog. And if it works out the way I hope it does I plan on getting Charlie to do videos for his page. So everyone help me encourage Charlie to do this as it will help him in school.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cate
Thismis nice to know
Thank you,