OgoSport Escape the Indoors Party

Last night Charlie and I hosted a Block Party for our neighbors using items from OgoSport. OgoSport allowed our friends and family to Escape the Indoors Party. As more and more children got home throughout the evening they ventured to our home as they wanted to see what the party guests were playing with. I can see us hosting another party with these items again soon.


Kids and adults were able to get outside and play together. The niece part of the party was there were so many different toys that there was something for kids of all ages to play with so no, one was left out.

The best part of our party was even the adults had a lot of fun trying out the new toys and playing with the children. When it’s a 100 degrees in Texas finding new water toys to use during the Summer is a huge win, and that is what last night was for my friends and family.  We had children from 11 months through 11 years old at the party, and it didn’t matter which toy we got out each of the children was able to play and have fun.

As they were playing with them, I kept discovering new ways we can use them when it is just Charlie, David, and I. Or when we have a houseful of children. As David and I were talking after the party last night, David and I even discussed how the items in the party pack used in our Homeschool class.

Before I tell you more about the items I wanted to share some information about the company. OgoSport motos are Oh Go Outside and Play in my home that is my motto.

I believe all children no, matter what age should get outside and play every day for at least 30 minutes a day. I like for Charlie to stay out longer than that it doesn’t always happen. To set a good example for Charlie and to show him that I don’t expect him to do something I am not willing to do I try and go outside with him and walk around the block or play Soccer. Because just like our children kids need to get exercise as well.

Headquartered in The Brooklyn Navy Yard in Brooklyn, NY, Charlie and I discussed where the toys designed and able to look up the Navy and to learn more about it in our Homeschool class. As well as talk about his sister who had visited NY and we added visiting NY to our Bucket List.

Founded by designers Rick Goodwin and Kevin Williams (joined now with co-owner and designer Jenie Fu) to promote active play for people of all ages, OgoSport has developed and launched a countless dynamic game and maker-oriented toys like their popular OgoDisk (featured in the Smurfs movie)

Being able to share this information with my Guest and to see the surprise on my husband David’s face as the Smurf is one of David’s favorite movies and once he learned this he couldn’t wait to get the toys out and try them out with our son Charlie.

I was even able to let Charlie and David know OgoBILD line construction toys which Charlie wants to look for at our local Toy Store and pick some up as my grandson Elijah will be home next month and they will be able to get out in the yard and play in the dirt. While David shares stories about the construction toy with the boys as he has used them in his work

Over the past few years, OgoSport has expanded to over 2,000 stores in the US and 40+ countries across the globe.  OgoSport products have also won the attention of the toy industry with awards such as the Parents’ Choice Award, TillyWig Awards, Dr. Toy Award, Canadian Toy Testing Council, The National Parenting Center Award, ASTRA, and NAPPA Award.

Be watching for our post as we will be sharing the following items with you.

Three sets of Ogo Paddleball
Three single Splash Tails
• Includes packs of water balloons
Three sets of H2O OgoDisks
• Includes packs of water balloons
#escapetheindoors #ogosport #tryazon

I was sent the items above to conduct a party with my family and friends, but the thoughts in this review are all our friends and family. No, one else.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates