October 8 American Touch Tag Day #AmericanTouchTagDay

The Mommies Reviews

October 8th is American Touch Tag Day #AmericanTouchTagDay. I remember as a child playing Tag both at home and at school. Along with Colored Eggs, Hide n Seek and Rover. If I was to ask Charlie’s friends about these games I’m not sure they would know what they are or even how to play them.

For the mere fact kids stay inside and spend most of there time on electronics and yes, that is Charlie as well. Although, when Charlie was little we spent many hours outside and played all these games alone and with the neighborhood kids.

I don’t know about you but I miss those times. I need to ask Charlie to go to the #Park with me this morning and we could play a couple games of #Tag. Would you like to play with us? I will even bring us snacks and beverages for when we finish playing. Come join me and lets see how many kids we can get to play with us especially Charlie’s friends who are all teens.

American Touch Tag Day is on October 8th. We are all set for a time to celebrate the traditional childhood game Tag and encourage kids of all ages, and adults alike, to go out to play. The main reason behind the celebration of American Touch Tag Day is to honor this simple game that has withstood the test of time and is loved by everyone across ages and boundaries. The best way to celebrate is by getting out in the fresh air, running around, and tagging someone.

Did you know the touch tag game dates back to ancient Rome and has over many years been played with varying names and rules. Tag involves a player running around, chasing other players, in an attempt to “tag” or touch them. Tag is straightforward, with most forms of the game having no teams, scores, or equipment. However, Tag might be made more sophisticated with different rule modifications.

To play Tag, a group of players decides who will be “it”, frequently using a counting-out game. The player selected to be “it” at that point chases the others, endeavoring to get near enough to tag them, touching them with a hand, while the others attempt to get away.

A tag makes the tagged player “it” and, in certain variations, the past “it” is no longer “it” and the game can proceed inconclusively, while in others, the two players remain “it” and the game closes when all players have become “it.”

Did you know Tag and other chasing games have been known to be prohibited in some schools due to safety concerns, including injuries that could occur from running into someone or something, falling, and so forth. However, when played with the appropriate caution taken, tag can be an absolute delight.

The variations and modifications of the tag game include Animal Tag Game for kids, Cops and Robbers, Freeze Tag, Shadow Tag, and Lightsaber Tag, among many others. Is there a favorite tag game you played as a child you can share with us?

How To Celebrate American Touch Tag Day

  1. There is no better way to celebrate American Touch Tag Day than to actually participate in the game.
  2. Tag will help you exercise, liven your mood, and relieve stress.
  3. Use the hashtag #AmericanTouchTagDay to spread the word about American Touch Tag Day. By doing so, you’ll be reaching people across the world about Tag.
  4. Touch Tag is primarily a children’s game, so with it comes a lot of childhood memories. Reminisce about these memories with friends and family over a meal.

Facts About Tag Games

  1. Tag doesn’t require any teams, scores, or equipment, just the participants.
  2. Tag games can go on for as long as participants want and can be stopped at any time after maximum fun is reached.
  3. The rules of Tag can vary and can be built upon based on the group of players.
  4. Poison, Octopus Tag, Kiss Chase, Freeze Tag, and British Bulldog are among some of the many variations and modifications of Touch Tag.
  5. Anyone and everyone can play Tag of all ages.

Why People Love American Touch Tag Day

  1. In this age where everyone is glued to their screens, Tag games help us get out into Nature and participate in beneficial physical activities with one another. Tags importance cannot be overemphasized.
  2. Tag games hold so many memories for us of when we were children. Tag reminds us of a time when we were young and free!
  3. The activities of American Touch Tag Day can lift your spirits and give your muscles a light workout. This will surely do a lot of good for your body and mind as a whole.

For those of us you who haven’t had the opportunity to play #Tag I’ve included the directions below:

  1. Round up players (at least two).
  2. Find a place to play where you can easily run without obstacles.
  3. Choose a safe zone.
  4. Determine who is “it”.
  5. Count down.
  6. Tag someone by touching them with your hand.
  7. Keep going, with the tagged player becoming “it” after being tagged.
  8. Stop the game when desired.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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