October 5 National Do Something Nice Day #DoSomethingNiceDay

The Mommies Reviews

October 5th is National Do Something Nice Day #DoSomethingNiceDay. Charlie and I are going to go over to David’s mom and dad’s and plant Mums I found on sale at Aldi last night for her. Then check on her neighbors who took there sister off Life Support this morning. Once were finished would you like to go out to lunch with us?

Make your friends and family smile on October 5th and on National Do Something Nice Day which encourages us to perform acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones or both! It’s easy to become so caught up in our own stresses and struggles that we forget to show kindness to others. Do Something Nice Day is a great reminder that doing good deeds makes the world better and might even help you better manage your own troubles in the process.

National Do Something Nice Day Activities

  1. Take the time today to get involved in a local organization in your community. If you’re having trouble deciding how or where to volunteer, consider what your strongest skills are and how you can use them to help others. If you’re great at construction, lend a hand to Habitat For Humanity. If you’re a web developer, offer your coding skills to a charitable organization that needs a website revamp or teach local kids some programming basics. In most communities, there are local soup kitchens or homeless shelters that can always use the help of kind, compassionate people.
  2. Extend a small gesture of kindness to let a stranger know you care. Pay the bill of the person behind you in line at the Coffee shop.
  3. If you see someone crying alone in public, offer them a tissue or if the situation calls for it some other kind of assistance. If someone thanks you for your good deed, ask them to pay it forward by helping someone else who needs it when the time is right.
  4. all someone you care about out of the blue, just to let them know how much they mean to you. It just might make their day! If you know someone who is going through a hard time in life, gently check in with them and let them know they’re on your mind. If you can swing it, send them a bouquet or drop off a homemade meal. Your personalized attention can make a world of difference.

Why We Love National Do Something Nice Day

  1. A random act of kindness can make a much stronger impact than you might think. Your choice to hold a door open for a stranger or return a missing wallet may be the one positive thing to happen to the recipient that day. For all we know, that person may have been feeling lonelier than ever, or losing faith in the goodness of the world. A small positive act on your part may change that person’s worldview and that’s pretty powerful!
  2. Research has repeatedly found that helping others helps you, too. Giving back to your community or doing a good deed lights up your brain’s pleasure center and can prompt a rush of feel-good chemicals.
  3. Scientists aren’t sure why kindness feels so good, but it’s been theorized that the need to help others is something prehistoric humans developed to ensure the survival of their social group. Helping others is part of the very essence of who we are!
  4. Doing a small good deed is a great way to remind ourselves that we can make a difference. It’s easy to feel helpless in the face of the world’s many troubles, but every single one of us can make at least a small impact on someone else’s life. That’s an incredible feeling.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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