October 5 Frugal Fun Day #FrugalFunDay

The Mommies Reviews

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October 5th is Frugal Fun Day #FrugalFunDay and let me tell you my family is broker than broke this week. That doesn’t mean we need to be stuck in the house all weekend. Nor, do we need to use Gas David needs for work.

Were going to take our Dogs to our Dog Park to play which is at the back of our Apartment Complex. I will be able to walk and visit with David will they play. Then Charlie and I are going to make a Picnic lunch and have dinner at Pecan park which I haven’t been to in forever so I can walk. Enjoy your weekend and leave me a comment and let me know what your doing to celebrate #FrugalFunDay.

I thought I would ask you a question. Do you believe you can have the time of your life without spending big bucks? If not then you should look no further because Frugal Fun Day on October 5th this year is the ultimate day for you to have all the fun in the world without breaking the bank.

Frugality, means to spend money sparingly, is a quality that may be frowned upon for its “cheapness” factor. In today’s fast-paced world, where everything is getting more and more expensive by the minute, being frugal is something everyone should strive for.

Frugal Fun Day encourages you to have fun by spending $5 or less on a fun activity. If the activity is free, then that is even better. The goal of the day is to make people realize that money doesn’t make for a fun time, it is up to YOU to have fun by thinking outside the box.

The first Frugal Fun Day was invented in 1999 by Shel Horowitz and it is celebrated on the first Saturday of every October. Horowitz is an avid American writer who is famous for his money-saving tips and tricks that have aided businesses, national and international, to flourish and grow.

Some of his most prominent works include guiding businesses towards a greener and more sustainable approach. Horowitz has been featured in notable publications like the “ Boston Globe,” “Los Angeles Times,” and “Cleveland Plain Dealer.”

The idea to celebrate a day of frugal fun came to Horowitz through his book called “The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant’s Pocketbook.” Published in 1995, the book tells readers how they too can live like royalty without spending too much money. Taking on a more refined approach four years after the publication, Horowitz came up with the idea that spending too much money to have fun is not necessary.

With the right mindset and some easy economical calculations, you too can have fun. The weather during October, with the masterpiece of shades of orange, brown, yellow, and red, gives you the opportunity to make the most of Frugal Fun Day by going for a walk or a hike in Nature.

If you are in the mood for relaxation, you can also make snacks including Cookies, Sandwiches, or Coffee to keep you nice and toasty. Going to the Beach is another option albeit unconventional given the weather.

If you are not much of an outdoorsy person and your idea of fun is within the four walls of your home, then that’s fine too. Put on a movie or a TV show, or grab a book to read. Invite loved ones over and play board games.

If none of these ideas are your cup of Tea, don’t worry once again. Just do whatever floats your boat and have the time of your life just remember not to spend a cent! it’s even okay today to nap because that is free and sometimes we all need a nap.

How To Celebrate Frugal Fun Day

  1. Frugal Fun Day is the chance for you to try your hand at something that you haven’t done before. You could go to an Orchid to pick Apples or to a field to choose a Pumpkin since Halloween is just around the corner. Doing something new could also mean simply visiting a Fair or a Festival and taking in the atmosphere.
  2. Given today’s technology and the general sedentary lifestyle, many of us tend to spend our days lounging around without moving our limbs and muscles too much. Go to the Park and throw a frisbee or catch a ball to loosen up those muscles and give yourself a dose of exercise.
  3. Take out your best outfits, give yourself a makeover, and get ready to walk the runway. This could be a fun activity with your loved ones becasuse you can take turns having fun photoshoots of one another. Don’t worry if you don’t have a camera your phone will do.

Facts About Frugality

  1. Many religions like Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism believe that frugality is important to live a good and peaceful life.
  2. Recent research studies by environmentalists have shown that living a frugal life is great for the environment as it promotes a less wasteful life.
  3. Being frugal allows you to become more financially aware of your everyday needs and desires and can even help you save money which we all need to do.
  4. Items that would otherwise go to waste by being unused, tend to become repurposed by frugal people, saving money as well as the environment in the process.
  5. Once you realize that money is just a means to fulfill basic needs in life, you will be able to see the bigger picture and what matters more to you in the short and long term.

Why People Love Frugal Fun Day

  1. Frugality is a great way to save money for the rainier days and remember being frugal doesn’t mean you are penny-pinching instead of having fun. Being frugal, instead, is evidence of your awareness of your social and economical needs. being frugal helps you prioritize important things for both your present and your future.
  2. If you have the right mindset, you can enjoy and learn from everything that life throws at you. You don’t need to spend big wads of cash to have a good time. Some cold drinks, snacks, and the right company can also do the trick for you.
  3. Our environment needs us to act now more than ever. We need to be frugal and stop spending money on things that may give us temporary pleasure but are of no use in the long run. For example, spending money on items like clothes or accessories that you don’t need is wasteful as these things will most likely remain unused, ending up in the trash later on.

Thank yoou,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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