October 16 ​National Fossil Day #FossilDay

October 16 ​National Fossil Day #FossilDay

The Mommies Reviews

October 16th is ​National Fossil Day #FossilDay. If your #Homeschooling your children learning about #Fossils would be a fun learning experience for them For a Field Trip visit a Musuem that would allow them to study Fossils. For my family I think we will take a walk through our neighborhood and see if we can find any Fossils. Would you like to go with us?

Fossils aren’t just interesting and fun to look at. Fossils are also proof of the existence of once-living things including Dinosaurs, Animals, Plants and even DNA remnants. Through these fossils we’re able to learn a lot about life from billions of years ago.

We can even take a look at Animals and life-forms that are no longer on the planet! These fossils (and the education around them) deserve to be preserved and explored. That’s why we celebrate National Fossil Day annually on the Wednesday of the second full week in October, with this year’s celebration being held on  October 16th. Show some appreciation for fossils today.

How to Observe ​National Fossil Day

  1. Paleontologists are pretty incredible people who go through lots of schooling and training to be able to study the fossils of all kinds of organisms. It’s because of paleontologists that we know a lot about the last few billion years of our planet’s history. Show your appreciation by giving paleontologists a hug, and asking them to tell you more!
  2. Every year, the National Park Service partners with various organizations, Universities, Museums and more to celebrate National Fossil Day. Through field trips, classroom instruction and outdoor activities, they’re spreading awareness about National Foster Day.
  3. Many National Parks are passionate about introducing future generations to the science behind fossils and paleontology which may include anything from Scavenger Hunts, to multi-day ranger-led activities. Visit your nearest National Park and discover all there is to know about this fascinating Science!

Fun Fossil Facts

  1. The highest amount ever paid for a Dinosaur fossil was $8.3 million which they named “Sue”.
  2. The largest intact fossil ever discovered was a whopping 4 square miles! ​
  3. ​The smallest fossil on record was just 2/10 of a millimeter which was of a 50-million-year-old parasite.
  4. Next time you’re feeling old, just remember some fossils date back to 4.1 billion years.

Why ​National Fossil Day is Important

  1. A fossil is evidence of past life that’s been preserved in Rock. This helps us discover all kinds of shells, plants, animals, and more that existed long before our time. This information helps us understand what was happening during each part of our planet’s history.
  2. By looking at fossils, researchers have been able to understand how and when organisms appeared and disappeared throughout the passage of time. This is how they’ve been able to divide up the events in our planet’s history into different periods.
  3. Each fossil tells a story of the organism it encapsulates, and the details of when it was on the Earth. By examining fossils, we can use these stories to help inform us about the future, and how environmental factors as well as man-made ones will help influence our planet for future generations.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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