October 14 Columbus Day #ColumbusDay

October 14 Columbus Day #ColumbusDay

The Mommies Reviews

October 14th is Columbus Day #ColumbusDay a lot of schools and business may be closed today. if Charlie and I were #Homeschooling still we would have taken the day off because Colombus Day  is a National holiday in many Countries in America and elsewhere, and a federal holiday in the United States, which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus arrival in America.

Here is some books on Christopher Columbus I thought you and your Children might enjoy reading this morning and a documentary to watch.

Who Was Christopher Columbus? 

Learn all about Christopher Columbus’ early life at sea, which led him to seek fortune by sailing west in hopes of creating new trade routes with the Indies. Kids will read about why he called himself the “Great Admirald of the Seas” and learn of all his struggles to find finacial support for his voyage.

Christopher Columbus: A Life from Beginning to End

Everyone knows who Christopher Columbus is, and everyone knows what he discovered and what he is famous for. Who, really, is this man, so shrouded in mystery? Columbus would tell you he was inspired by God to make his voyages, and it takes a brave soul indeed to sail out into the ocean blue where no one has gone before.

Inside you will read about….

  • Early life
  • The Silk Road and beyond
  • Columbus’ quest for a voyage
  • First voyage
  • Second voyage
  • Third and fourth voyages
  • Governor of the Indies
  • And much more!

In this audiobook, you’ll find out all about this most remarkable of men. You will uncover why he thought it so important to never give up on his dream and how impossible his struggles became with each voyage he made. What was it like to sail over the edge of the ocean? This was a voyage not just anyone could undertake. It was the bravery and the brilliance of a man like Christopher Columbus who would make his dream come true and inspire a world to follow him.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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