October 1 National Black Dog Day #NationalBlackDogDay

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to let you know that October 1st is National Black Dog Day and I don’t know about you but we own a Black Lab/ Boxer named Annie and I wouldn’t trade her for all the Dogs in the world. How about you. Do you have a black Dog or would you adopt a black Dog?

See that picture? Go ahead and say it, ” awwwww!” Who couldn’t love that adorable black pup? Did you know that the same stigma that surrounds black Cats also affects black Dogs?  It’s crazy but true! Even today, there are still people who mistakenly believe that black Dogs are bad omens and brings rotten luck. Although, National Black Dog Day, celebrated each year on October 1st, seeks to change that.

People love black Dogs and their shiny coats are like satin, especially when you’re out playing in the warm Sunshine. Unfortunately, too many black Dogs languish in shelters because people are hesitant to adopt them. Today is the day to give black Dogs the love they deserve!

October 1 National Black Dog Day #NationalBlackDogDay
October 1 National Black Dog Day #NationalBlackDogDay

National Black Dog Day Activities

  1. The good news: there are plenty of black Dogs to choose from at a Animal Shelter near you. The bad news: it’s because of so-called “Black Dog Syndrome” that often unconscious phenomenon, that leads to fewer black Dogs being adopted.
  2. Many people are actively looking to adopt a Dog. Spread the word about the plight of black Dogs beauties so that people may be more inspired to adopt a black Dog.
  3. Did you know many people pass over black Dogs at Animal Shelters, preferring to take home animals with lighter coats. That means black Dogs are more likely to be put down. This is often because people have a negative association with black Dogs, regardless of breed.

Truths About Black Dogs

  1. ​”Black Dog Syndrome” may not be a real thing although anecdotal evidence suggests that black dogs are less likely to be adopted than their lighter-colored shelter mates, these findings are still hotly debated.
  2. Black dogs are literary legends from ancient folklore to Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter, black Dogs have been storytelling sensations for thousands of years.
  3. ​Black dogs inspire rock ‘n’ roll, too​ like The Led Zeppelin song, “Black Dog,” which was named after a black Labrador that hung out near their recording studio. (The song, however, has nothing to do with Dogs.)

Why People Love National Black Dog Day

  1. Dogs are humans’ best friends and they’ve been bred for thousands of years to love and to serve us. That’s why Dogs quiver with excitement when they see their human buddies heading their way.
  2. We love dogs of all colors. Black, tan, white, patched, brindled, marbled. But there’s something special and classic, even about a jet-black Pooch that sets them apart from the pack.
  3. Black Dogs are often the least-adoptable Pets in shelters, simply because of their color. This is sometimes, but not always, the result of superstition. Some people think black means bad or evil, so they opt to adopt an animal with a lighter-colored coat.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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