Nurture: How to Raise Kids Who Love Food, Their Bodies, and Themselves (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new self-help book for children called Nurture: How to Raise Kids Who Love Food, Their Bodies, and Themselves written by Heidi Schauster (Author, Narrator), Hummingbird Press (Publisher). Inside this post are my affiliate links. if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Being a over-weight mom who struggles with her weight on a daily basis and seeing my husband gain more and more weight not care how it puts added stress on his heart affects our son Charlie. Charlie has always known what he wants to eat and not eat. When he was little it was most meats but he would eat all Vegetable and Fruit so I didn’t worry about the no, meats.

Next came Middle School and Charlie started to try a few new meats but would only eat Fruit once in a while. Now were in the Teen years and soon Charlie will be old enough to move out. He eats more meats and will try new foods sometimes but I can’t get Charlie to eat Veggies or Fruits unless he decides to.

There is days when Charlie will not eat at all and other days when we can’t fill him up. Charlie lives on Frozen Pizza and sometimes Chips like lots of teenagers do. Charlie isn’t over weight and Charlie gets lots of exercise and likes to be outside. I would worry more about Charlie’s eating habits but I see the same thing with his friends.

Instead of arguing with Charlie in our Homeschool Classes for Home Economics were going to read Nurture: How to Raise Kids Who Love Food, Their Bodies, and Themselves which will help both Charlie and I come to terms with our eating habits. In Charlie’s cooking classes were going to implement more sit down dinners and include a Vegetable and Fruit with each meal.

Through the book as I was reading it preparing for what I wanted to share with David and Charlie I saw lots of things we did wrong that we can change that is going to help my entire family. If you haven’t had a chance to read Nurture: How to Raise Kids Who Love Food, Their Bodies, and Themselves I hope you take the time to purchase the book and that you use it in your home with your families just as I’m doing.


Confused about the conflicting recommendations about how to feed children well and prevent eating and body image problems in teens? Listening to Nurture is like having a conversation with a compassionate fellow parent who has done decades of fieldwork on the subject. Heidi Schauster writes from her nearly 30 years of experience treating people with disordered eating, her own lived experience as a recovered person, and as a parent of two young adults.

This book is a much-awaited follow-up to Nourish, Heidi’s award-winning book on healing relationships with food, body, and self. Nurture contains sane and sound advice that anyone who spends time with children or teens will benefit from listening.

This book is a life-enhancing tool for:

  • Parents and caregivers who have had their own food and body issues and don’t want to pass them on to the next generation
  • Parents and caregivers with kids exhibiting body image concerns
  • Parents and caregivers with kids exhibiting disordered eating who want direction
  • Parents and caregivers with kids in larger bodies who feel unclear as to how to help them in the fat-phobic culture we live in
  • Parents and caregivers with picky eaters who don’t want to create dynamics around food that might lead to eating and body issues later in life
  • People who spend time with children and teens and want to create an inclusive, health-and-well-being-enhancing culture around them

About the author: Heidi Schauster

Heidi Schauster, MS, RD, LDN, CEDS-S, SEP is a nutrition therapist and Somatic Experiencing (SE)™ Practitioner in the Greater Boston area who has specialized in eating and body image concerns for nearly 30 years. She provides individual and group counseling and clinical supervision/consultation and is particularly interested in the intersection between food and body concerns with trauma. Heidi considers herself a whole-self-wellness practitioner and Embodiment Warrior.

She is the author of the award-winning book, Nourish; the new book, Nurture: How to Raise Kids Who Love Food, Their Bodies, and Themselves; and the Nourishing Words newsletter on Substack. Heidi lives in Arlington, Massachusetts, with her partner and twin daughters when they aren’t in college. She recently choreographed a modern dance piece about the “empty nest,” performed by an ensemble of women age 40+. Heidi and her family enjoy most food that is lovingly prepared, especially if it’s followed by a dishwashing dance party. Join the Nourishing Words mailing list on her website or on Substack, or follow her on Instagram @nourishingwords.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates