November 9 Go to an Art Museum Day #GoToAnArtMuseumDay

The Mommies Reviews

November 9th is Go to an Art Museum Day #GoToAnArtMuseumDay which is a fun Field Trip for those of us #Homeschooling. Or for families wanting to spend #familytime together this beautiful Saturday. For more fun leave electronics at home and spend time talking to your family.

Once you finish at the Museum of your choice grab lunch somewhere and have a #Picnic and discuss what you saw at the Museum. Bring Art Supplies and let everyone create there favorite pictures from the #Museum.

Take the opportunity today to think about how excited you were to go on a field trip to the museum as a kid? The first thing on your mind was probably, “Yeah, no class!,” but a big part of the appeal was the thought of going on an adventure. And art’s all about exploration which is in fact, why we celebrate Go to an Art Museum Day on November 9th.

Did you know more than 30,000 Museums around the world participate in Go to An Art Museum and each year even has a different theme. So take the opportunity today and visit a Museum and discover something new! If you can’t go to a Museum yourself, you can always explore Art online and read articles by some of the top art journalists.

Go to an Art Museum Day Activities

  1. Pictures make up a huge part of Social Media ( including memes). On a day that celebrates visuals, there’s no shame in going on a share binge. Don’t be shy about getting creative. Add captions, filters, or anything that gets the juices flowing. Be sure to follow Museum regulations and tag your law-abiding posts with #ArtMusuemDay.
  2. We know it’s a novel idea to go to an Art Museum on Go to an Art Museum Day, but what can we say the best part about this innovative idea is that there are so many ways to enjoy Go To An Art Museum Day by going with family, friends, coworkers, or by yourself. Each opportunity offers a unique benefit, be it stimulating discussion or quiet repose. Whichever you choose, you’ll find something worthwhile to walk away with. Hopefully it’s not the art itself, because that could get dicey.
  3. With a bunch of Museums holding special activities and offering discounts, things can get crowded. If literally rubbing elbows isn’t your speed, you can still join in on the festivities. Drop by a Library or Bookstore and pick up a book on Art which might not be the same as seeing a print in person, but you do have the advantage of reading everything at your leisure.

Why People Love Go to an Art Museum Day

  1. It’s easy to take the place where you live for granted although we might not associate our everyday surroundings with getting away from it all, a little Staycation action can go a long way and visiting an Art Museum can take us to a different world,
  2. If the Museum is local, the Museum can show us how cool our Cities really are. Just so you know were not saying a Beach in the Caribbean’s a bad thing, but we could all use a refresher that’s closer to home.
  3. Have you ever read the Museum’s placard about a painting? It’s packed full of intriguing info. There isn’t always time to read everything, but it’s amazing how much you can learn in a single visit.
  4. People Love Go to an Art Museum Day gives us ammo for any Wine and Cheese Party, as well as the all-important trivia night. Most of all, it feels good to end a leisurely day with a sense of accomplishment.
  5. Sometimes it’s nice to turn off your phone and focus on something that’s right in front of you. Looking at a piece of art and letting your thoughts drift can be really therapeutic. Many of our stressors melt away as we try to figure out what Gaudi meant by all of those melting clocks. But if that gets too heady, we’re content with just admiring some beauty.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates