November 2nd is National Bison Day #BisonDay even though Charlie isn’t #Homeschooling that doesn’t mean learning shouldn’t stop. Today Charlie and I will be learning about #Bison as we celebrate #BisonDay. To begin our studies were going to read then look up were we could see a Bison in person. Would you like to go with us?

Now, if you will excuse me I’m off to mark my calendars for the First Saturday in November next year so I will remember #BisonDay. National Bison Day honors one of North America’s most iconic Animals, the American Bison.
National Bison Day has been celebrated since 2013 and is a reminder of how important Bisons are to our environment and our history. Did you know the American Bison was once nearly wiped out due to overhunting, but with conservation efforts, there are now estimated to be more than 500,000 Bison roaming the United States? Let’s take National Bison Day to appreciate and honor these majestic creatures!
You see Bison everywhere including on coins, on sports team logos, and a couple of State flags. No, we’re not talking about the Bald Eagle. This honor is reserved for North American Bison. On National Bison Day, November nd2, an annual event that falls on the first Saturday in November, all Americans should reflect on the impact Bison have as a part of our environmental and cultural heritage. Bison are especially revered by Native people central to their survival as both food and Spiritual inspiration.
How to Celebrate National Bison Day
1: Take a trip to your local Bison Reserve and observe these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. You can learn about the history of Bison and their role in shaping the landscape.
2: Celebrate National Bison Day by eating a delicious Bison Burger! Did you know Bison Meat is leaner than Beef and has a slightly sweet flavor? A Bison Burger a great way to show your appreciation for these Animals.
3:Gather around the TV and watch a documentary about the history and current status of Bison in North America. Learn about the struggles Bison have faced and the efforts being made to conserve them.
4: Support local businesses who use Bison as an ingredient in their products by checking out online stores for Bison Jerky, Steaks, and other delicious treats.
5: Organize a Parade in your community to celebrate National Bison Day and encourage people to dress up like Bison, decorate floats with images of Bison, and march through the Streets. It’ll be fun for everyone involved!
Why People Love National Bison Day
A: Bison are an excellent source of high quality, lean protein. Bison are raised humanely and ethically on family Farms and Ranches, contributing to the sustainability of the entire food chain. Bison Meat is lower in fat and cholesterol than traditional Beef, making it a healthy alternative for those searching for healthier options.
B: When you purchase Bison products, you are directly supporting small family farms and helping to sustain a rural landscape that has been around for centuries. These farmers work hard everyday to ensure the health of their herds and ultimately provide high quality products with nutrient dense nutrition.
Bison is delicious which is why it is easy to see why Bison has become so popular and the Bisons flavor profile is similar to that of Steak, but Bison has a more robust, gamey taste. Whether grilled, roasted or pan seared, Bison makes any meal into something special. Take the opportunity today to celebrate National Bison Day by trying some Bison recipes!
How to Observe National Bison Day
- Ask your friends and family to stand in support of returning Wild Bison to their original tribal lands on thousands of acres of Native American reservations. Collaborations among certain groups are working to remind Americans about the important role Bison play in the lives of native peoples.
- Bison are considered sacred and they are even featured in certain tribal creation stories. Bison have also been a source of food and clothing providing hides for tents, robes, shoes, and tools so that people could survive in harsh climates.
- You may not be able to get to a large National Park like Yellowstone, but there are a vast number of smaller parks from which to choose. Imagine what it must have been like to see thousands of Bison freely roaming the plains. Give your children a chance to experience the wonder of our latest national icon the Bison.
- Many groups use National Bison Day to raise funds in support of Bison. It won’t be hard to find a T-shirt showing your love of Bison which you should wear proudly because it’s for a great, patriotic cause.
5 Reasons People Love Our Bison
- Did you know If a Bison’s tail is hanging down and moves naturally from side to side, the Animal is relaxed. But when the tail stands straight up, it’s a signal the Bison is getting ready to charge.
- Given their size as the largest Mammals in North America, Bison are surprisingly agile with an ability to swim well, jump up to six feet, and run between 35 and 40 mph.
- Bison have always roamed in Yellowstone National Park as evidenced by prehistoric fossils found in modern times.
- Did you know herds of Bison can be found in all 50 States.
- The American Bison is not only the Country’s official Mammal; the Bison is also the State Mammal of Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
Why National Bison Day is Important
Native peoples once lived their lives around the vast herds of Bison that swirled around areas of the West and Northwest, the Central Plains, and the Southeastern U.S. Once pioneers started their Westward trek, both the Native American tribes and the Bison herds were seen as obstacles to progress.
As the native peoples were systematically forced off their lands by either poachers or fake government treaties, the Bison herds began to disappear; by the early part of last Century, Bison were on the way to extinction. Today, through the collective efforts of Indian tribes, Wildlife Associations, the National Park system and others, Bison have re-emerged as a protected species.
President Obama, with the support of a broad coalition of Native American tribes, Wildlife Support Groups, and concerned members of the Senate, signed a 2015 law making the proud and majestic Bison our National Mammal. This law helps to protect Bison from extinction and encourages a return back to their Native tribal lands.
You may have been wondering about Bison and if there the same as a Buffalo so we’re going to set you straight. Bison and Buffalo are not the same. Bison are native to North and South America and Europe, while the traditional home of the Buffalo is in Africa and Asia. At the height of their magnificence, there were between 30 and 60 million Bison in the New World circa the 16th Century. Today, there are currently half a million Bison roaming happily across North America. .
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates