Nothing Ever Happens on a Grey Day

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I’ve been discussing how we miss our old home and being able to go outside and visit neighbors or walk to his grandmothers. There was two parks and tree convenience store we could walk to. As well as places to ride our bikes which are in storage and can’t be used for PE and also to help me with y diet.

This morning even though the swimming pool isn’t open Charlie, and I took his homeschool homework out to the deck to sit under the trees to look at the sky and Birds. Before the rain it looks like we’re going to get hits. Charlie and I began to look through Nothing Ever Happens on a Grey Day. You should check out the little girl on the bike.

Which Charlie liked because its red. Charlie pointed out she had a helmet on which we need to get before we get our bikes out of storage. Check out the house on the hill. Wouldn’t you like to check it out because I would. All that is missing Charlie said is a Dog running alongside the little girls which I agree with. How about you?

The illustration in the book is so pretty and eye-catching. The little girl let us know the raindrops was to be bored to fall. Can you imagine that? We follow her through town to the playground. Nothing is happening here. That would be boring, wouldn’t it? Then we find a winding path. I find a Apple and a Creek. There is a forgotten. Castle.

Wouldn’t that be fun to discover and visit? Would you like to go with her on her adventure? If you didn\t know anything can happen on a grey day. If a grey day happened in your town, what do you think would happen and why? Charlie said all the grownups would keep the kids inside here but he would want to go explore just as I would.

Nothing Ever Happens on a Grey Day is for lower elementary students Charlie said although children off all ages would enjoy the story which is perfect for Homeschoolers. As children go back to school soon you should pick up a copy of this book for your children as well as the teachers in there school and the librarian because adults will enjoy the story just as much as parents.


Nothing Ever Happens on a Grey Day is a children’\s book by Grant Snider that I received in exchange for this review.

With fantastic bursts of color and lyricism, Grant Snider explores the extraordinary within the ordinary in this ode to seemingly boring days and the wonders that emerge for anyone open to seeing them. 

The sky is gloomy and the world feels like it’s asleep . . . but perhaps all that’s required for adventure is a bit of curiosity and patience. After all, an everyday stroll can become an adventure in the blink of an eye. 

On a day when even the rain is too bored to fall, ride alongside a girl on her rickety bicycle through the familiar scenes of her neighborhood as she rediscovers the colors—a splash of yellow, a flash of red, a flutter of blue—that can be found even when all seems monochrome. In this artful picture book that celebrates do-nothing days and solitary adventures, readers learn how embracing quiet stillness with openness and curiosity can make space for unexpected encounters, meaningful detours, and some of life’s most unforgettable moments. With luminous illustrations that practically glow on the page, Grant Snider takes readers on a visual journey they’ll want to return to again and again.

TEACHING MINDFULNESS FOR KIDS: Grant Snider’s luminous illustrations will captivate even the most restless young readers, while the story subtly teaches the benefits of patience, silent observation, and mindful awareness.

CONNECTING WITH NATURE: Both art and story will inspire children to approach nature with reverence and wonder, explore the outdoors, and learn more about their local environment.

OVERCOMING BOREDOM: Themes of childhood boredom and loneliness are addressed in a gentle and heartfelt way, encouraging a spirit of exploration, curiosity, and connection with the natural world. 

RAINY DAY LOVERS: For those who appreciate the coziness and comfort of a rainy day, this book is a must-have. 

STORYTIME READ-ALOUD: The gentle pace and lilting rhythm make this a soothing read for storytime at home, at school, or in a library.

Perfect for:

  • Parents and grandparents of introspective, introverted, or independent daydreamers
  • Readers who enjoy kids adventure stories and books about nature
  • Families and classrooms seeking a great read-aloud book
  • Fans of Grant Snider’s previous titles, including What Color Is Night?What Sound Is Morning?, and There Is a Rainbow

About the Author: Grant Snider

Grant Snider writes, draws, and lives in Wichita, Kansas. His first book, “The Shape of Ideas,” is a personal exploration of the joys and frustrations of the creative process. His work has appeared in The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, The Kansas City Star, The Best American Comics 2013, and across the internet as the popular strip “Incidental Comics.” Grant works as an orthodontist in his day job. You can often find him carrying a sketchbook, lost in his own thoughts.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates