Nona’s Nerves

The Mommies Reviews

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 Nona's Nerves [December 11th, 2023] by Modello Brown
Nona’s Nerves [December 11th, 2023] by Modello Brown

Charlie has been working more with me this week on taking pictures for the blog as part of his Homeschool Classes. I reminded Charlie he needed to find a book to read this week. Charlie picked up Nona’s Nerves [December 11th, 2023] by Modello Brown off my desk. Charlie asked if he could read this story along with the other books he had been reading. I said that would be fine.

Before Charlie dived into the book I let him Charlie know Nona’s Nerves  is the second book in The Def Jam Series. Then I let Charlie know as part of his reading class he needed to look up what the Def Jam series is and also share information he learned from the book as well as from the author of the book.

I continued working and I heard Charlie talking to someone. I went upstairs to see what was going on and he had called his Aunt Debbie and was sharing Nona’s Nerves with her. I head Debbie say she would have my niece Lily call Charlie that afternoon and he could read Nona’s Nerves to Lily and Jason.

Although having a girl on the cover of the book and being for children from 3 to 8 I wasn’t sure Jason would listen to the story. I kept working and Charlie came downstairs and sat next to me. Charlie opened up Nona’s Nerves and began reading the story to me. Before long I was drawn into the story and ended up not working and listening to the story.

Charlie and I enjoyed learning the kids was in a talent show which Charlie said he would like to hold as part of his Homeschool Music Class. We learned about there feelings of nervousness and anxiety like we’ve had in the past and how all the kids helped Nona get rid of her fears by sharing there’s with her.

Charlie and I know Nona’s Nerves is for children from 3 to 8 years old but we believe both children and adults can learn from this story. Charlie said this book should be in every music and drama class. Why I also believe it should be in Counselors offices. I cant wait to purchase copies of the book for my nieces and nephews for Christmas.


 Nona's Nerves [December 11th, 2023] by Modello Brown
Nona’s Nerves [December 11th, 2023] by Modello Brown

Nona was excited! She’d been practicing, you know. Tomorrow was the annual Littlewood Talent Show! But when Nona’s turn came… Just before she went to sing… Something stopped her in her tracks…Her chest began to sting! Nona had been feeling super-duper great about her singing all week. But then she saw all the amazing things the rest of the Hip Hop Littles were doing…

She watched Wan share incredible photos…She watched Zoey model fantastic outfits. She watched Rain DJ, Alison dance, and Jordan paint graffiti. They were all so wonderful that she suddenly felt very anxious. She didn’t want to sing anymore. What on Earth was she going to do?

Title: Nona’s Nerves (The Def Jam Series) Author: Modello Brown

Publication Date: December 11th, 2023 Page Count: 30 pages Price: $19.95

Reading Age: 3 – 8 years old Publisher: BookBaby ISBN: 979-8350919639

Genre: Children’s Fiction

Modello Brown 

Is an author, successful underground hip-hop artist, and self-proclaimed “Hood Motivational Speaker,” using his difficult upbringing to inspire other inner-city kids looking to carve their own path. He got the idea of bringing different types of people together through art and music and went on to form the company Hip Hop Littles.

Through books, animation, clothing, and music, Hip Hop Littles’ mission is to bring different cultures together while teaching children that support, positivity and love can bring them tremendous value and success in life. The Hip Hop Littles children’s book series is all about introducing kids to various difficult facts of life and how to begin to deal with those uncomfortable situations.

Thank you,

Genda, Charlie and David Cates