Nola’s Finest Pet Care

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the company Nola’s Finest Pet Care who sent me the glass mug Speaking Italian Like in exchange for this review.

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How to Boost your Furkid’s Happiness & Health

The box arrived and Charlie noticed the pink sticker on the front of the box and that it said Nola’s Finest Pet Care which excited Charlie because he thought he was getting something new for the dogs. Although, I set the box aside as I was working on other things at the moment and didn’t want to open it yet.

You would have thought I took Charlie’s favorite candy away not letting him open the box. Finally, I handed the box to Charlie and said here you can open it, but I need to warn you it isn’t what you think it is. I think Charlie thought I was pulling his leg with as fast as he was opening the box.

Charlie got the box opened and reached inside and pulled out the Glass Mug and I could tell at first Charlie was upset. But then Charlie said Hey mom, look now you have your own Coffee Mug when I make you Coffee in the morning. You can even see what is inside the cup because it’s clear.

Then David walked up to pick up the glass and Charlie said look dad they used a black box which is mine and mom’s favorite color. Charlie and David started to read the cup and it was so fun listening to them trying to pronounce the words on the cup.

Charlie let me know after I went over the words with him that he needs to take a Foreign Language in Homeschool and learn Italian so he can shop on the site more. Even though I hate to admit it as I don’t want to take on any more classes with Charlie at the moment, I think this is a great idea as a family project.

As we looked at the cup David asked me if I thought the cup would get too hot to handle since it’s made of Glass, so I had to try the mug out with a cup of Tea, and it didn’t burn my hands and it held a cup of tea perfectly. Charlie even said with this cup he wouldn’t mind drinking water because the Poddle with the pink on her is so cute to look at and would keep him from focusing on the water he is drinking.

Upscale pet services, local gourmet treats, & New Orleans themed must-haves exclusively for pet lovers by Twila.♡♡

Twila comes to you! Unlike her competitors, you & your fur kids will have the pleasure of working with the owner all the time. Twila is a big pet advocate & treats them like fam. Wish you can hire a reliable pet lover when you can’t be home with your fur baby? Wish granted! NOLAs Finest Pet Care is a 8a certified business. For the safety of NOLA’s Finest Pet Care & clients, Twila & Chris have been fully vaccinated since March 2021.The only locally made gourmet dog treats in NOLA, order today on doordash app. 

For an Easter Gift for Charlie, I want to get him Speaking Italian Like art piece and also Stay At Home Dog Dad T-Shirt and for David I would like to get I Hearts Big Mutts Mug. Now, I would like to ask you to take a look at the website and let me know what you would like and why.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates