I would like to share a calendar for 2022 New York Times Headlines in History Page-A-Day Calendar 2024: 365 Remarkable Stories from The Times Archives which I received in exchange for this review.

Charlie and I browsed through the Calander this evening and Charlie was excited to find Ghandhi mentioned. We found sports facts which we can use in our Homeschool Pe Class and Medical facts for our Health Class. I thought it was fun to lear a lady had walked 30 miles to her Wedding. I don’t think I would do that. Would you?
About the Calendar:

Explore history every day with a headline from the past, from The New York Times.
Imagine a time machine, right on your desktop, that takes you back to some of the most fascinating, important—and sometimes forgotten—events in history through actual New York Times headlines. Here are notable moments in sports: 61,808 Fans Roar Tribute to Gehrig (July 5, 1939). Medical mysteries solved: Scientists Link the Legion Disease to a Hitherto Unknown Bacterium (January 19, 1977). Civil rights milestones: Harvard Law Will Admit Women (October 10, 1949).
And human-interest stories beyond our wildest dreams: Driver Heir to $5,000,000 (September 14, 1907), about an American railroad worker who unexpectedly inherited his wealthy British granduncle’s fortune! Each day’s headline is accompanied by a detailed caption that provides historical context around the event. For history lovers, there’s no better gift. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.
I have a question for you. What do you think of New York Times Headlines in History Page-A-Day Calendar 2024: 365 Remarkable Stories from The Times Archives and why? Where would you place this unique calendar in your home or would you give it as a fit?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates