New Normal Parenting Tips
There are children, parents and other people in the society that are forced to adapt to remote-learning and the working from home system. Everyone is trying to keep calm during the most difficult situations and maintaining the cleanliness of the surroundings to prevent spreading unwanted viruses.
The pandemic has brought a lot of challenges to many people, especially to the parents. The whole current situation has changed the behaviors of parents in their new responsibilities as facilitators of their children’s home-learning setup. While everyone is preparing for the back-to-school season, it is going to be very important to understand the factors that contribute to the consistent change of behaviors of parents while coping up with the circumstances brought by the pandemic.
This article would serve as a reminder to all parents out there. If they start feeling like the situation is starting to kick in really hard, take a deep breath and unwind for a bit. Walk not too far from home and take a short break!
What’s New for Parents
During the pandemic, a lot of new things and situations were being brought up that affects the daily life of everyone working and attending school. Parents are not really prepared to share the office with their children at home. How are they and the children going to handle this kind of situation? Even if their schools create a better option to hold their classes online, will they be there to completely guide them throughout their lessons? Do they have the complete resources for this setup?
These challenges need immediate responses. Would it be easy to handle them or are the parents able to secure the resources they need to handle the situation? Parents may have gotten away from having been bothered by their children while working from home during the lockdown. They found creative ways to entertain their children while they are working. It is during these times that some things can be under control. But when the children start attending their online classes, there are a lot of things that the parents will need to consider.
Do their children know how to handle classes online? Can they focus during their class? Are they going to participate well? How sure are the parents that this system will work well for their children? This is when the parents will start thinking if this arrangement is still fit for their children and how will it affect them both.
What Parents Should Do
Here are some tips to help the parents to handle difficulties while their children strive to learn from home:
- Embrace Technology
Some parents are able to cope with advancing technology. There are some that they still find it a little difficult to understand. Recently, software and online applications have upgraded their features to fit well to the remote-learning and working system. If the parents can monitor their children’s online activities, it can be easier to follow their progress while online learning.
- Communicate with Co-Parents
It is recommended that the parents communicate with their co-parents to keep being updated. This way, they can also share their ways of how they both handle their current situations at home and come up with better strategies to improve their children’s learning.
- Set Your Children’s Mindset
Some children may be too young to understand their current situation and the hardships that their parents are going through. But having clear communication with children and constant pep talks could also help both the parents and their children. When they communicate, they build deeper relationships. This will help give the children a purpose and reasons to engage.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates