Good morning, welcome to July can you believe July 4th is right around the corner. Most children are out of school for the Summer but Charlie is still going.
Here is what we will be studying on Nation’s Independence Day July 4th, 2021. If you have other resources we can use in our classroom please leave me a comment with a link to the resources.
Definition of July 4th:
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States, on July 4, 1776. Wikipedia

Use this FREE 4th of July Unit Study to teach your children about the birth of America with hands-on activities.
FREE 4th of July Unit Studies and Printables!
FREE 4th of July Unit Studies and Printables!
In this Unit Study we will learn why the American colonies wanted to break free from Britain.
Thomas Jefferson helped write the Declaration of Independenceusing sources for his ideas about liberty and independence. In this Unit Study we will learn about Thomas Paine’s Common Sense.
General Washington In June 1775, America’s leaders gathered in Philadelphia to prepare for war. George Washington was choosen commander-in-chief learn more in this Lesson Plan.
Stars and Stripes You’ve seen the American but how closely have you looked? Can you tell me how many Stripes there is or what color is the top stripe? How about the bottom stripe? Come learn this and much more in this Unit Study.
The Declaration Today has been rolled up and moved from State to State. The original Declaration has traveled a long way to reach its home in Washington, D.C., the Nation’s capital. Come learn more about it in this lesson plan.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates