The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I would like to welcome you to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 2022 with you. I have a question for you have you heard of the holiday National Recommitment Day? If so, have you celebrated this holiday and done what it asks use to?

Because I hadn’t heard of National Recommitment Day until this morning but what I can tell you is I need to do this in both my personal life and also my business life. Would you like to join me in National Recommitment Day, and we can help keep each other accountable?


Image result for National Recommitment Month

National Recommitment Day in May challenges us to evaluate important areas of our life and refocus. I don’t know about you, but this is something I need to do and soon.

Throughout our lives, we make goals and commitments but sometimes we get off track. Or at least I do. It’s helpful to step back and see how you’re doing.  Whether you decide to spend more time your marriage or decide to charge ahead on your career, this month helps get us on the path toward our chosen target. No matter the commitment: health, education, family, financial. You should be mindful of the reasons behind them.


  • You should list the goals that worked and eliminate the goals that didn’t.
  • Simplify the goals and remove any unnecessary obstacles.
  • Work on one or two goals at a time if necessary. Spreading your focus too thin will reduce your success.
  • Bring in a team because working with like-minded people helps to balance the effort. When the goal is a family-oriented target, the whole family benefits.


I would like to ask how you recommit to your goals? Share your thoughts with me in a comment on here then share on Social Media using #NationalRecommitmentMonth.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates