Myths and Facts Related to Sauna Bags that you Probably Didn’t Know

The Mommies Reviews

Myths and Facts Related to Sauna Bags that you Probably Didn’t Know

Sauna baths are very popular amongst people who like relaxing every once in a while. But just like anything in this world, sauna bags too come with their set of myths that float around the globe, and people don’t mind believing them without even checking the facts. This post will discuss some most common myths related to sauna baths, followed by the facts. 

Myths and facts

Myth 1 

Infrared sauna sessions help fight cancer.

Enough is said about sauna sessions improving the immune system, removing carcinogenic chemicals from the body, or even killing cancer cells directly. Bursting the first myth – there is no such evidence that proves sauna has any kind of effect on cancer or can be used as a cancer treatment. 


Infrared sauna improves skin condition

According to people, sauna sessions can improve skin health and complexion and even reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. The sauna allegedly delivers these benefits as it opens your pores, which allows all toxins, dirt, grim,e and other impurities to seep out through your sweat. “Sweating can help the body purge excessive oil, dirt, and other accumulated matter that gets collected on the skin. Saunas are categorized under “low-level light therapy,” which is used to treat psoriasis, acne, and eczema.

Myth 2

Sauna bath detox your body

Harmful toxins like heavy metals and manmade chemicals get trapped in the fat cells of the body which are first released through fat burning and the remaining is excreted through sweat. This process made people believe that sauna baths lead to “detoxification” of the body by making them sweat more. According to a dermatology professor at St. Louis University, Dee Anna Glaser, the biggest problem with this belief is that it is a half-truth. The equation missing here is fat burning. It’s true that sauna sessions do make you sweat a lot, but it has nothing to do with fat burning, which clearly means the sauna cannot help your body remove toxins.

Though the sweat may be able to push out a little toxin or chemicals, that is not the main job of sweat. So, that little amount is clearly not what you can call ‘detox’. 

Truth 2

Sauna bath help improve cardiovascular health

The rigid blood vessels are the main drivers that take you towards cardiovascular diseases. So, any remedy that makes the vessels more flexible generally works well in improving heart health in the long term. If researchers are to be believed, the sauna sessions can improve the blood vessel’s ability to expand according to the changes in the blood pressure. Though there is not enough research about the mechanism, it might be due to the increase in the production of nitric oxide. So, if you want to improve your cardiovascular health, buy a sauna bed and start using it frequently. 

It is important to get your facts right before you start using a product so save yourself from any kind of harm. Don’t fall for the myths and use sauna bags for its real benefits. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates