My Rose: 10 ways to relieve stress, with a twist

The Mommies Reviews

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I would like to share a new self-help book My Rose: 10 ways to relieve stress, with a twist by Stephanie Hadjipateras which I received in exchange for this review.

My Rose: 10 ways to relieve stress, with a twist is a cross between a romance and a self-help book that I never had heard of before. Once you begin reading the story you will find yourself not wanting to put it down until you’ve finished the entire book. There was advice I found I could use in my own life as well as advice to share with my friends and family.

If I hosted a book club My Rose would be at the top of my must-read list and I believe you should add it to your must have read list as well. Although don’t do like I did and get lost in the beauty of the rose on the cover of the book. Which reminded me of my Daughter Suzzie as her favorite flower was the pink Rose. How about you?

About the book:

A clever combination of a romantic novel and real-world life-coaching advice!

Weighed down by the events of his childhood, Eric lives a charmed life – on the surface.

He’s got the job, he’s got the apartment, and he’s even got the assistant (even if he is a bit useless). There’s nothing else that Eric needs.

And then he bumps into Rose, the outgoing and charming new business owner; setting off a chain of events which will turn his whole life upside down.

Told through the eyes of protagonists Rose and Eric, this is a story designed to speak to our innermost selves, and to question everything we think we know and believe.

After all, do any of us really know what we need?

And can we change the path our lives are taking, before it is too late?

As the characters in the romance stumble over or capitalize on their life skills, life coach Stephanie Hadjipateras provides a commentary that will help readers relate to the events of the story.

Stephanie provides expert insight into the human condition, and how to improve life skills!

About the Author: Stephanie C.H.

I’m Stephanie, and I am a life coach and hypnosis practitioner. I have a passion for helping others.

I help women alleviate their anxiety and pain, for a happier and more confident life.

As we know, no two people are the same. We all have our own way of coping with stress. The various symptoms of stress effect each one of us differently and that is one of the things that make us who we are. I am no different than you! I have been in the same position, the very same shoes, more times than I can remember.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates