I was sent a Screener code to watch My name is Paulie Murray.
Before My name is Paulie Murray began I didn’t know who Paulie Murray was. Homeschooling Charlie teaching History is a Core Subject for us. I sat down to watch the movie when David came and sat beside me asking what I was watching. I mentioned the movie title to David and he said he hadn’t heard of Paulie Murray and I let David know I hadn’t either which was why I wanted to watch the movie.
The film began and before I knew what was happening I found myself drawn into her story. I learned things I didn’t know and so did David. by the time the Film finished I knew Charlie and I would need to study Paulie Murray for our History Class.
If My name is Paulie Murray comes out on DVD I plan on purchasing a copy for our Homescchool Library because this is a film I want to watch again and when my nieces and nephew are old I want to have them watch the movie as well. Because there is so much to learn through the Movie not only about History but the way people are treated.

MY NAME IS PAULI MURRAY in Select Theaters on September 17th, 2021and Worldwide on Amazon Prime Video on October 1st, 2021

As an African-American youth raised in the segregated South—who was also Wrestling with broader notions of gender identity—Pauli understood, intrinsically, what it was to exist beyond previously accepted categories and cultural norms.
Both Pauli’s personal path and tireless advocacy foreshadowed some of the most politically consequential issues of our time. Told largely in Pauli’s own words, My Name is Pauli Murray is a candid recounting of that unique and extraordinary journey.
Directed by: Betsy West and Julie Cohen (RBG) Produced by: Talleah Bridges McMahon (Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise)
Rated: PG-13 Run Time: 91 minutes
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates