It’s Saturday, and time for Charlie to study Music. This morning we are checking out a website called Have you used this website if so what did you think of it and why?

Age Range: 6-18 (Grades 1-12, with parental supervision) At this deceptively simple site you can learn music theory and more for free! If you have a passion for music or just want to get the hang of it, you’ll enjoy the activities, many of which contain audio clips to enhance learning.
When you get to the site, for the free online content, you will see tabs for “Lessons,” “Exercises,” and “Tools” in the upper menu. Choose the “Exercises” tab to jump right to the activities and quizzes where you can learn and/or test your knowledge about:
- Notes
- Key Signatures
- Generic & Specific Intervals
- Chords
- The Keyboard
- The Fretboard
- Interval, Scale, & Chord Ear Training
Each exercise can be set to the most basic level or customized to your preferred level. Take the quizzes to test what you know. For example, try and identify the scales by ear. If you get too many wrong answers on the quizzes, you can go to the lessons and study to learn more. Then try the quizzes again.
Music students of all ages will enjoy the “Tools” section that lets you create music pieces and then run an analysis to tell you what you have done. Fun stuff!.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates